NYC Mulls Ban on Trans Fats in Eateries

yeah the nanny state might save fat fuckers that shouldn't be eating trans fats but have no idea what they are or how to avoid them....
hey man as long as you understand exactly what is in every product you consume, and/or you trust penny pinching corporations to not fuck you by putting shit in your twinkies, i guess the gubmint ain't got no business telling you what to avoid. fuck seatbelt laws, too. let's let everyone get super fat, sick, diabetic, and brain-injured so the rest of us can pay for their care! yeeehah!
(1)hey man as long as you understand exactly what is in every product you consume, and/or you trust penny pinching corporations to not fuck you by putting shit in your twinkies, i guess the gubmint ain't got no business telling you what to avoid.(2) fuck seatbelt laws, too. let's let everyone get super fat, sick, diabetic, and brain-injured so the rest of us can pay for their care! yeeehah!

1. Buy organic or grow/kill it yourself. It takes longer, but it's worth it.
2. If you refuse to wear seatbelts, and get injured, who is at, or the person who you had the accident with? If the government hadn't hamstrung insurance companies by over-regulation in the 60's seatbelt laws would be a non-issue.
1. Buy organic or grow/kill it yourself. It takes longer, but it's worth it.
2. If you refuse to wear seatbelts, and get injured, who is at, or the person who you had the accident with? If the government hadn't hamstrung insurance companies by over-regulation in the 60's seatbelt laws would be a non-issue.

1. i do the former, and someday i will do the latter, but it ain't so easy living in the middle of the city.

2. okay. wearing a seatbelt should be common sense. but so should the idea that murdering others is bad. so let's remove laws that make murder illegal, since we know better and don't need nanny gubmint telling us what not to do.

if i was convinced that people becoming fat and unhealthy due to inattention to their food and lifestyle choices would not impact the public dole, then i would not care what they did. but the looming health care crisis suggests otherwise. i'd be laughing my ass off at people that rationalize buckets of KFC with "well chicken is healthy," and when their bodies were later claimed by our cruel insect rulers, disassembled and used as grease for the gears of machinery in the underground spice mines under lexington, KY. it's all part of the plan.
3. you know much about the history of insurance in this country? used to be something that was sold like snake oil, and delivered the same result. pappy dies, go look for the insurance man to collect on the life insurance policy... nobody home.
1. i do the former, and someday i will do the latter, but it ain't so easy living in the middle of the city.

Fishing, then. Doesn't really matter, though...

2minkey said:
2. okay. wearing a seatbelt should be common sense. but so should the idea that murdering others is bad. so let's remove laws that make murder illegal, since we know better and don't need nanny gubmint telling us what not to do.

Confusing criminal law and civil law. Too bad the two don't mix.

Criminal law says 'Don't do this, or else'. Cause and effect, you have harmed someone elses life or liberty. Civil law says 'Do this, or else'. Trying to affect change.

2minkey said:
if i was convinced that people becoming fat and unhealthy due to inattention to their food and lifestyle choices would not impact the public dole, then i would not care what they did. but the looming health care crisis suggests otherwise. i'd be laughing my ass off at people that rationalize buckets of KFC with "well chicken is healthy," and when their bodies were later claimed by our cruel insect rulers, disassembled and used as grease for the gears of machinery in the underground spice mines under lexington, KY. it's all part of the plan.

Don't let them onto the public dole. :shrug:

2minkey said:
3. you know much about the history of insurance in this country? used to be something that was sold like snake oil, and delivered the same result. pappy dies, go look for the insurance man to collect on the life insurance policy... nobody home.

Yep. I knew about that. It was called fraud...which is a criminal act. What you don't realize is that that kind of thing is still going on in the insurance industry by 'fly by night' companies. How's that for regulatory practices? Legitimate companies follow rules. Illegitimate companies do not.

I'll give you a real easy example.

The DoD has a policy regarding seatbelt usage. It states, quite plainly, that military members who have accidents and are not wearing seatbelts are responsible for paying for their own hospital care. It says the same thing about riding motorcycles without a helmet. If you are killed, you get no life insurance payout, either. People tend to get real cautious when their bottom line is affected...
1. i do the former, and someday i will do the latter, but it ain't so easy living in the middle of the city.
I live less than 2 miles from downtown Fort Wayne. I grow several of our most used veggies...after canning, we buy few vegetables all year. Piece of cake if you're willing to get your hands dirty.

2. okay. wearing a seatbelt should be common sense. but so should the idea that murdering others is bad. so let's remove laws that make murder illegal, since we know better and don't need nanny gubmint telling us what not to do.
Non-use of seat belts don't disrupt the rights & liberties of another. Keep the government out of our life.

the looming health care crisis suggests otherwise.
The looming health care crisis (jesus wept, what crap we're sold) has been brought about by the socialism disease (share the wealth mentality) & the fact that 60% of our population is about to reach old fuck status.

People didn't used to go the the ER because jr had the sniffles. HMOs be damned. Go to your doctor & pay cash. Make insurance catostrophic only.

As far as trans-fat....or any other horseshit we're eating - IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It's especially none of the governments business. A dead 53 year old fat guy with 2 heart attacks under his belt can't cost any more than 92 year the long run.

Ban SMOKING....legislate food....what the hell else are we going to turn over to nanny?