Obama is going to bend us over and give it to us good!

I missed the speech this morning.

Does anybody know if he kicked off the first day of classes by leading America's schoolchildren in a rousing rendition of The Pledge of Allegiance?

To the flag of the United States of America, that is.

Not to himself.
i fully agree with your choice of words ... Sales pitch. Personally, I think parental consent should be required for anyone making any presentation to underaged kids.

Sales pitch was your choice of words.

Bullshit. Parental consent was never required for the fireman to come in and sell us on their idea of what to do in case of a fire, it wasn't required for people to come in and sell us on their line of work being a viable option, it wasn't required for pretty much anyone that spoke at our assemblies, and it wasn't even required for the military to have recruiters come into the school. It wasn't even needed for them to lead us in the pledge of allegiance.

It damn well isn't needed for the president to sell kids on the idea that they should work hard in their education.
You're entitled to your opinion, Spike. I'm entitled to mine. Calling it bullshit doesn't advance any arguments against my points. That your parents allowed people access to you without their consent or supervision doesn't make that right ... just allowed.

But, again, the decision as to what is "damn well needed" is the domain of the parent, first, last and always. Anyone who contends that point with me can save their breath ... they'll always be wrong.
I'm pointing out all the people that are allowed to speak to children and i think you're trying to say that none of the ones I mentioned should be allowed without written permission.

Tuesday's speech will not be the first time an American president has addressed schoolchildren. Speeches by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all addressed the same general theme.


Why do you think there weren't any hysterics over the people I mentioned or any of these previous presidents?
I pledge never to flush a piss, only a shit.

That's as far as I could stomach.
I'm not worried about my kids being indoctrinated, but I do worry about the developmentally disabled citizens in our community like these guys.


They will end 21st century slavery by pledging servitude to Obama? :smash2: Makes me realize what a joy it is not to have a TV in my house. Talk about a parade of narcissistic human debris!!:retard:

so now that you've got nothing else here to whine about, yer picking on hollywood dimwits huh?

well, arlington is imbecile central so this shouldn't be surprising.

but hey, it's fine if they're stupid, as long as they are loyal.

just like fido.
With mandatory parental consent form, I hope. And I'd love to hear how that doesn't disrupt their regularly scheduled lesson plan.
well that's superduper!!!

i figured him being one of your heroes was about as likely as hollywooders being among mine.

now i'm just going to go back to hanging on the every word of my personal savior, tom cruise.

you just don't understand!!!

but cruise does.

cruise does.
