Obama openly violates oath

I still think the fed should get completely out of the marriage 'business'.

I agree, in principle, but there is a little catch.

Article. IV.

Section. 1.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
I agree, in principle, but there is a little catch.

well, really the main point I was trying to get across was mainly on tax credits.

marriage and taxes don't mix.
I was down with it when Reagan ramped it up, but I Knew there could be trouble.
I didn't really think I'd see it much in my lifetime.
that's super.

sometime during eternity, please learn to spell. :D

"roads?, where we're going, we don't need roads."

I've got several excuses for ya, but the simple fact is....
after I've been IMing, I forget to proof.
Re: Obambo's power knows no bounds

At what point (if any) would you say:
Wow that's across the line!

i've already mentioned several objections to obama.

y'all don't notice or retain those objections, probably because they aren't cartoons caked in chiliastic jism like most of the shit that gets posted here. it's fairly hard to gain visibility in the context of a dumbmob at a book burning.
You mention objections, now. Back when he was a candidate, we showed his record & you said, then, "hey, give the boy a chance, his past is no indication hope & change."
You mention objections, now. Back when he was a candidate, we showed his record & you said, then, "hey, give the boy a chance, his past is no indication hope & change."

you didn't show me shit. all you could do was whine about who he may have known over the course of his life. yeah, he didn't live in a fucking bubble like you.

i've also always maintained that he's too far to the left for my tastes. something which seems to elude you when i disagree that he is a communist, because, again, i don't live in a fucking bubble.

put away your childish things.
Obama will save us

yer Right I owe you an apology
I musta missed yer displeasure with the regimes outrageous behavior

yer Right cat
When the House of Saud falls next month
we won't need roads much when gasoline hits $10.00 a gallon

My childish things? Well, when I see what he says, what he does & who he does them with, I take him at his word, yet, I'm in a bubble?

Looks like someone else needs to pay attention to reality instead of hoping for change.
"For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for the want of a shoe
the horse was lost; and for the want of a horse the rider was lost,
being overtaken and slain by the enemy, all for the want of care about a horseshoe nail."
My childish things? Well, when I see what he says, what he does & who he does them with, I take him at his word, yet, I'm in a bubble?

Looks like someone else needs to pay attention to reality instead of hoping for change.

let me make an analogy for you buddy.

hand a ten year-old the owner's manual for you car.

then ask him to replace the transmission.

... this is like you trying to comment on what is and what isn't commie, or like you trying to comment on any matter of economics.

either get in the game for real, or stick to what you know.
Once again, the educated one has shown me up.

You voted for him. Maybe you ought to read the owners manual I have.

There you go again, defending communism. If I'm wrong, show me where I'm wrong. Otherwise,
A socialist economy is a system of production where goods and services are produced directly for use, in contrast to a capitalist economic system, where goods and services are produced to generate profit

Well, goddamn, who'd of thunk it, I was right.

As long as government controls, through regulation or ownership (GM, AIG) it's socialism.

Communism, in its pure form, cannot work. Communism, as we've seen it for 75+ years, is government controlled economics.

You may not like the facts, but there they are.

A free market will be run by those who decide when, where & how to spend their money. It's self-correcting fior that very reason. We don't need government interference.
simmer down wunderkind, you still got a lot of learning to do. here's part two.

make a point of clicking on any link referencing something you can't describe fully e.g. hegelian idealism. okay i even clicked on that one for a refresher.
Marxist Obama leads us down the merry path

Well then perhaps we've come too far
down this road to turn back
so we will just have to see it through?

The issue I have with this approach is
that history shows us what lies down this road.

I'll just play along with Minxie and believe that
laissez-faire capitalism has never worked
every time its been tried.

Re: Marxist Obama leads us down the merry path

I'll just play along with Minxie and believe that
laissez-faire capitalism has never worked
every time its been tried.

i never said that.

in fact, i've said quite the opposite.

but it's obvious when bellbottoms are no longer the rage.
simmer down wunderkind, you still got a lot of learning to do. here's part two.

Where are we gong with this?

I've read the commie bastard manifesto & have seen much of this other stuff. I'm not terribly interested in his lifelong search for a sustainable philosophy. His influence over socio-economic governmental intervention is what I'm concerned with.

Think of it as the American Revolution vs the French revolution.
They fucked up because of marxist ideals. He may not have written their specific declaration but putting the masses above the individual doomed them to a communist life, to one extent or another.