Obama tells American businesses to drop dead


Well-Known Member
Interesting that Microsoft told Congress that they would flee the U.S. if Obama chooses to end the deferral of multinational taxation.

Anyone here ever looked at how close Redmond is to the Canadian border?

One hundred twelve miles.

Not a bad move at all and there would be plenty of Microsoft workers who would move with the company. Ya think that the Canadian government would be more than willing to build them a new facility, to their specifications, for free?


Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead: Kevin Hassett

Commentary by Kevin Hassett

June 8 (Bloomberg) -- I’ve finally figured out the Obama economic strategy. President Barack Obama and his team have been having so much fun wielding dictatorial power while rescuing “failed” firms, that they have developed a scheme to gain the same power over every business. The plan is to enact policies that are so anticompetitive that every firm needs a bailout.

Once that happens, their new pay czar Kenneth Feinberg can set the wage for everybody and Rahm Emanuel can stack the boards of all of our companies with his political cronies.

I know, it sounds like an exaggeration. But look at it this way. If there were a power ranking of U.S. companies, like the ones compiled by football writers for National Football League teams, Microsoft would surely be first or second to Google. But last week, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer came to Washington to announce what Microsoft would do if Obama’s multinational tax policy is enacted.

“It makes U.S. jobs more expensive,” Ballmer said, “We’re better off taking lots of people and moving them out of the U.S.” If Microsoft, perhaps our most competitive company, has to abandon the U.S. in order to continue to thrive, who exactly is going to stay?

At issue is Obama’s policy to end the deferral of multinational taxation.

The U.S. now has about the highest combined corporate tax rate, second only to Japan among industrialized countries. That rate is so high that U.S. firms have an enormous disadvantage versus competitors. The average corporate tax rate for the major developed countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2008 was about 27 percent, more than 10 percentage points lower than the U.S. rate.

Tax Burden

U.S. firms have nonetheless prospered because our tax code allows a business to set up a subsidiary in a low-tax country. When that subsidiary earns profits, they are taxed at the rate of that country, and don’t face U.S. tax until the money is mailed home.

The economically illiterate partisan Democratic view is that this practice is unpatriotic and bleeds jobs from the U.S. The economic reality is that American companies use this approach to acquire market share overseas. The alternative is losing the business to foreign competitors.

Don’t just take my word for it. A recent paper by Harvard economists Mihir Desai and C. Fritz Foley and Berkeley economist James Hines and published in the distinguished American Economic Review, gathered data on American multinationals to explore the impact of foreign investments on domestic U.S. activity.

Encourage Overseas Sales

Their conclusion was striking. The authors found that “10 percent greater foreign capital investment is associated with 2.2 percent greater domestic investment, and that 10 percent greater foreign employee compensation is associated with 4 percent greater domestic employee compensation. Changes in foreign and domestic sales, assets, and numbers of employees are likewise positively associated; the evidence also indicates that greater foreign investment is associated with additional domestic exports and R&D spending.”

So when firms expand their operations abroad, taking advantage of the lower foreign tax rates, it helps their workers in the U.S. Higher sales abroad (surprise, surprise) are good for domestic workers.

It is worth noting that this study, which is confirmed by a boatload of evidence elsewhere, was coauthored by the same James Hines who recently wrote a sweeping review of international tax policy with Obama’s top economist, Larry Summers. Summers has to know what the literature says.

Inexplicable Stance

So the question is, why does Obama advocate a policy that so flies in the face of everything that economists have learned? How could Obama possibly say, as he did last month, that he wants “to see our companies remain the most competitive in the world. But the way to make sure that happens is not to reward our companies for moving jobs off our shores or transferring profits to overseas tax havens?” Further, how could Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner call a practice that top scholarship has shown increases wages and employment in the U.S. “indefensible?”

I have to admit I am at a loss. Maybe it is good politics to bash American corporations, and Obama isn’t really serious about making this change happen. But if the change is enacted, and domestic corporate taxes aren’t reduced to offset the big tax hike, the result will be a flight from the U.S. that rivals in scale the greatest avian arctic migrations.

If that occurs, the firms that stay in the U.S. will be at such a huge tax disadvantage that they will absolutely need a “rescue.”

(Kevin Hassett, director of economic-policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, is a Bloomberg News columnist. He was an adviser to Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona in the 2008 presidential election. The opinions expressed are his own.)

To contact the writer of this column: Kevin Hassett at [email protected]
Last Updated: June 8, 2009 00:01 EDT
I don't find his opinion very interesting.

Here's a different opinion...

How does the business community think President Barack Obama is doing? As he hits the 100-day mark, there's little doubt the new President is getting high marks overall for his 24/7 moves to revive the economy. And the favorable sentiment on Obama's job performance reflected in many public polls is also mirrored in the views of many business executives.

"We're happy with the general outlines of what he's done; things are starting to take hold," says John J. Castellani, the president of the Business Roundtable. Castellani says he's been impressed with the "intensity" of the Administration's focus. "They're working very hard to get things moving forward."

yeah bill's more into saving pagan babies that business these days.

anyway, wow, this is another great thread about obama ruining everything. golly gee bonkers i love this shit!!! weeeeehawww!
Bienvenue au Canada, M. Gates.... thanks for helping with that unemployment rate. Here are the keys to your new buildings. Have a nice day, eh.

Unlikely. He'd move it to India first.
You know the hilarious thing is that for Jim, taxes will likely go down. Its just that he is a "sensitive guy", and such a wonderful person that it hurts him inside how these poor, defenseless, innocent, rich people are getting ass-raped by the IRS!

Obama is ruining everything! At least a lot of folks here are really hoping so!
You know the hilarious thing is that for Jim, taxes will likely go down. Its just that he is a "sensitive guy", and such a wonderful person that it hurts him inside how these poor, defenseless, innocent, rich people are getting ass-raped by the IRS!

Yeah, those f--king rich bastards are so damn greedy....."I don't want you to take my hard earned money!!" All this whining about about personal property and crap!! It all seems so selfish, don't they realize that RJ's waiting for his welfare check for cripes sake!!

I can't wait for the national sales tax. That'll show them bastards whose boss!!
Yeah, those f--king rich bastards are so damn greedy....."I don't want you to take my hard earned money!!" All this whining about about personal property and crap!! It all seems so selfish, don't they realize that RJ's waiting for his welfare check for cripes sake!!

I can't wait for the national sales tax. That'll show them bastards whose boss!!

Firstly you don't know jack shit and are completely talking out of your ass. Secondly, there are many government services that rich people benefit greatly from, is it so much to ask that they help bear the burden? They have to drive 40' long land yachts that burn way more fuel than they should need and they have no reason or realistic need for such vehicles yet they pollute and use the roads all the time! I see idiots all the time driving ginormous king cab 4x4 diesel pickups who do not ever use the bed of the truck. The haul their shit in a trailer! And they also seem to be very fond of driving it with only one occupant and gabbing on a fucking cell phone and acting as if they are the only one with any right to the road.

Many (but by no means all) of those assholes making all those shitloads of cash don't know the meaning of "hard earned". Why do you think we are in such a debacle now? A lot of folks got really greedy and figured out legal ways to take advantage of people. For sure the people who took too big of loans are to blame as well, but does that mean it should be OK to swindle them?

And your whole belief that there is some "welfare state" is a bunch of shit too. If health care was available to all it would do much to alleviate the problem. The "welfare state" is a fiction conservatives like to throw out there to anger people. Yes there are some folks that play the system no doubt, but for the most part that has been cleaned up from what it once was.

I think I'll just put you on ignore like all wet boy. Neither one of you has ever had anything of value to say at all or even really very interesting in my opinion.

*puke3* :disgust:
Oh and one last thing. Some of you guys think its so important that we should be the world's policemen and spend a trillion dollars on Iraq, but our own people are the only industrialized nation in the world without health care for everyone. Pretty fucking backwards on the priorities but I suppose it is America and you have the right to be an idiot.
Oh and one last thing. Some of you guys think its so important that we should be the world's policemen and spend a trillion dollars on Iraq, but our own people are the only industrialized nation in the world without health care for everyone. Pretty fucking backwards on the priorities but I suppose it is America and you have the right to be an idiot.

1. We are not, and should not be, the worlds policeman. If you have a problem with military actions, look directly at Congress.
2. Look at the US Constitution. Article 1, section 8. Thats where the spending authorized is located.

My personal take on this has been here before, but I'll reiterate for the folks who weren't here.

Its not the governments job to feed you. Its not the governments job to house you. Its not the governments job to clothe you. Its not the governments job to take care of you unless you fall under the catch-all of 'federal employee'. All of those things I mantioned fall under personal responsibility. If you cannot be held personally responsible, then it falls to your family.
You know the hilarious thing is that for Jim, taxes will likely go down. Its just that he is a "sensitive guy", and such a wonderful person that it hurts him inside how these poor, defenseless, innocent, rich people are getting ass-raped by the IRS!

Obama is ruining everything! At least a lot of folks here are really hoping so!

Try reading for comprehension; or try reading the article at all.

A recent paper by Harvard economists Mihir Desai and C. Fritz Foley and Berkeley economist James Hines and published in the distinguished American Economic Review, gathered data on American multinationals to explore the impact of foreign investments on domestic U.S. activity.

Encourage Overseas Sales

Their conclusion was striking. The authors found that 10 percent greater foreign capital investment is associated with 2.2 percent greater domestic investment, and that 10 percent greater foreign employee compensation is associated with 4 percent greater domestic employee compensation. Changes in foreign and domestic sales, assets, and numbers of employees are likewise positively associated; the evidence also indicates that greater foreign investment is associated with additional domestic exports and R&D spending.”

So when firms expand their operations abroad, taking advantage of the lower foreign tax rates, it helps their workers in the U.S. Higher sales abroad (surprise, surprise) are good for domestic workers.
Firstly you don't know jack shit and are completely talking out of your ass. Secondly, there are many government services that rich people benefit greatly from, is it so much to ask that they help bear the burden? They have to drive 40' long land yachts that burn way more fuel than they should need and they have no reason or realistic need for such vehicles yet they pollute and use the roads all the time! I see idiots all the time driving ginormous king cab 4x4 diesel pickups who do not ever use the bed of the truck. The haul their shit in a trailer! And they also seem to be very fond of driving it with only one occupant and gabbing on a fucking cell phone and acting as if they are the only one with any right to the road.

Many (but by no means all) of those assholes making all those shitloads of cash don't know the meaning of "hard earned". Why do you think we are in such a debacle now? A lot of folks got really greedy and figured out legal ways to take advantage of people. For sure the people who took too big of loans are to blame as well, but does that mean it should be OK to swindle them?

And your whole belief that there is some "welfare state" is a bunch of shit too. If health care was available to all it would do much to alleviate the problem. The "welfare state" is a fiction conservatives like to throw out there to anger people. Yes there are some folks that play the system no doubt, but for the most part that has been cleaned up from what it once was.

I think I'll just put you on ignore like all wet boy. Neither one of you has ever had anything of value to say at all or even really very interesting in my opinion.

*puke3* :disgust:

Holy crap! You are just brimming over with rage.

Sounds like there is whole heaping helping of jealousy lumped in there also.
Oh and one last thing. Some of you guys think its so important that we should be the world's policemen and spend a trillion dollars on Iraq, but our own people are the only industrialized nation in the world without health care for everyone. Pretty fucking backwards on the priorities but I suppose it is America and you have the right to be an idiot.

We'll just print more money and have free everything for everyone just like the Soviet Union. Then we can stand in long lines waiting to be issued things like toilet paper and coffee.

You should start your own political party. You could call it the Party of the Outstretched Open Hand or the POOH party.
Yeah well it was all money well spent in Iraq wasn't it Jim? It helped Dubya win another term, and that was definitely worth a cool trillion in money borrowed from China. If China called in those loans then what? The pretty much own us by way of deabt. Feels good don't it Jimmy boy?
Yeah well it was all money well spent in Iraq wasn't it Jim?

Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask the 27 million people he freed from tyranny if they feel it was worth it?

Why do you want to deny to others the freedom which you enjoy every day?

It helped Dubya win another term, and that was definitely worth a cool trillion in money borrowed from China. If China called in those loans then what? The pretty much own us by way of deabt. Feels good don't it Jimmy boy?

Let 'em try to collect.
Yeah well it was all money well spent in Iraq wasn't it Jim? It helped Dubya win another term, and that was definitely worth a cool trillion in money borrowed from China. If China called in those loans then what? The pretty much own us by way of deabt. Feels good don't it Jimmy boy?

Strange you blame GW when Congress holds the purse, but facts would only get in your way...;)
Strange you blame GW when Congress holds the purse, but facts would only get in your way...;)

Yes obviously congress paid this, but GW and his administration we hell bent to make it happen and they succeeded. It is everyone's fault.

As for you Jim, you really aren't one to talk about peoples "rage". No I am not outraged, but I am annoyed at peoples excesses and stupidity all because they can. You say let China try to collect? China could wipe us off the map militarily at this point because we spent everything on Iraq. I'm glad many Iraqis are free of a bad leader, but it damn sure did little good for Americans unless you are counting people like Haliburton and all the companies making assloads of money to rebuild Iraq. My point is the money could gave done Americans a lot of good if it was used on America.
Yes obviously congress paid this, but GW and his administration we hell bent to make it happen and they succeeded. It is everyone's fault.

Doesn't matter. Would you give your children C4 if they asked for it? Thats why the Constitution was written the way it was. To prevent just that sort of thing from happening. What the founders didn't realize was that our Congress would sink to the level that they have...power-hungry sycophants who only care about re-election.