Obama to Iraq "It's all you're now...DEAL!"


Well-Known Member
US President Barack Obama has said the time has come for Iraqis to "take responsibility for their country".

Mr Obama was speaking during an unannounced trip to Baghdad, his first visit to the country as president.

He was greeted enthusiastically by US troops, whom he praised for their "extraordinary achievements" in Iraq.

Mr Obama also had talks with Iraq's leaders, and confirmed his plans to withdraw all US troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.

The president flew into Baghdad's international airport before travelling by road to meet Gen Ray Odierno, the US military commander in Iraq, and some of the 140,000 US soldiers serving in the country.

Mr Obama thanked Gen Odierno for helping to lead what he said was "a very effective operation" in Iraq.

He told about 600 US soldiers gathered at the Camp Victory military base that they had helped Iraq to "stand on its own as a democratic country".

"That is an extraordinary achievement, and for that you have the thanks of the American people," he said.

The troops had greeted him with cheers and shouts of "we love you Obama".
All I want is to see him walk down a Baghdad street without an armed escort.

hmmm. yeah i wonder, considering that he can't walk down a street anywhere without a secret service detail and a shitload of 'clamp-it-all-down' pre-arrival work.

how about you do the street in baghdad thing? you're a tough guy, you can do it.
Why not ... after all, that's what every grandmother and child has to do on a daily basis... but then I'm not the one telling everyone that all is well and the US can now pull out and go home.
All I want is to see him walk down a Baghdad street without an armed escort.


No, but you're capable of making it a whole lot worse. Think about Afghanistan before and after the Russians pulled out.
hmmm. yeah i wonder, considering that he can't walk down a street anywhere without a secret service detail and a shitload of 'clamp-it-all-down' pre-arrival work.

how about you do the street in baghdad thing? you're a tough guy, you can do it.

even better, how about you round up a bunch of your anti gun pansy loving tree huggers and do it. cuz guns are bad, m'kay?
What the fuck are you ranting about H20?

Why would you want the president to give up his secret service protection and what makes you think that minkey is anti-gun?

Looks like you got some psycho trolling going on.
minkey knows why that was said. its not your business. a-b conversation...c your way out of it mr president

for the same reason prof wanted to see him give it up most likely.

dont worry mr president. all things will be made clear to you soon enough, and on a need to know basis. go back to waving at the cheering hordes now
no, i really have no idea what you were getting at with that.

maybe just stop trying to be clever and say you mean?
minkey knows why that was said. its not your business. a-b conversation...c your way out of it mr president

Wrong again huh?

for the same reason prof wanted to see him give it up most likely.

How about you just state your reason?

dont worry mr president. all things will be made clear to you soon enough, and on a need to know basis. go back to waving at the cheering hordes now

What was that? It looks like you're maybe trying to troll but instead you seem to be popping into threads to sputter random nonsense.
President Hussein and those around him haven’t the slightest inklings
about the events they are going to set in motion.

The Israeli’s use of nuclear weapons will be an interesting chapter in world
history classes for years to come. To bad they won’t peg Barack Osama as the cause.

Once more a monumental foreign policy mess (as well as a wrecked economy)
will be handed over to a Republican administration to cleanup.
Once more a monumental foreign policy mess (as well as a wrecked economy)
will be handed over to a Republican administration to cleanup.

foreign policy mess. hmmmm. the rest of the world hates dumbshit cowboy bush. they are very much looking forward to working with this new guy.

yes, handoff of wrecked economy. that just happened in january.

let's see what happens. it certainly can;t get much worse.
Wrong again huh?

nope. just not ready to draw the lines for you geniuses yet

How about you just state your reason?

how about you subpoena me mr president? or get your boot licker barney frank to slobber all over one and then send it to me. until then just keep doing what the teleprompter tells you to do and stay out of a conversation you weren't invited into. this like many other things is something your royal worshipfulness need not concern himself with

What was that? It looks like you're maybe trying to troll but instead you seem to be popping into threads to sputter random nonsense

sticks and stones, mr president. sticks and stones

just sit tight. all things will be made abundantly clear when the time is right. until then i am quite content allowing you and your cabinet to carry on
......boot licker barney frank.....

Don't complain or you'll hear me scream, oh yeah....

You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen

Friday night and your cash is low
I know a place that you can go
Get your house and use it
Go ahead abuse it
You can do anything

Go out and have a fling
I am the banking queen
Old and sweet
Go ahead and do our thing
Banking queen
Don't complain
Or you'll hear me scream, oh yeah

You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen

Told the bankers: Hey, you guys
Make the loans or you'll be fined
My friends at Fannie sure need it
Do it my way or beat it
While the stock's crashing

That doesn't mean a thing
I'm still the banking queen
Never spanked for a single thing
Banking queen
Don't complain
Or you'll hear me scream, oh yeah

You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen

nope. just not ready to draw the lines for you geniuses yet

You said "minkey knows why that was said" and yet he doesn't. You were wrong. You obviously made an assumption that minkey was anti-gun and you were wrong. Now you are scared to make your point like a pansy. ;)

how about you subpoena me mr president?

You stated you wanted the president to give up secret service and once again are afraid to back up your statement with any reasoning. Go ahead, run away like a coward.

sticks and stones, mr president. sticks and stones

just sit tight. all things will be made abundantly clear when the time is right. until then i am quite content allowing you and your cabinet to carry on

Just like I thought, you have zero substance and are just making misguided attempts to troll with some addled garbled nonsense.

You're too easy.