Well-Known Member
No, you can always be treated, you just have to pay for it.
Why would I want to pay for you? You should pay for you.
Why would I want to pay for you? You should pay for you.

Go figure. More lying scare tactics. I guess that's all they have at this point.
We rate the statement Barely True
With many insurance companies you can't even get covered with certain conditions. It is funny how it works. If by funny you mean can't get treated.
So, obvious money losers are a bad risk. Whoodathunkit?
No, you can always be treated, you just have to pay for it.
Why would I want to pay for you? You should pay for you.
Can you run a business with more outlay than income?
Insurance is not your pesonal bank. It's supposed to be there to cover unexpected emergencies.
You can thank HMO's & your federal legislature for the current problems.
We had an option. Somethign that the government won't give.
2010 -- we take it ALL back.