ObamaCare revisited

Just as the economy went up from 1980 to 2008
It will now decline/deflate until 2013 then run flat.

We find ourselves in a world we are not at all familiar with.

Falling prices, not inflating prices
Flat or declining GDP and personal incomes
A truly lower standard of living YOY not rising as we've known all our lives.

Government can not change this reality.

They can only serve to make things worse, sadly this administration
is doing exactly that.

Destroying our currency and running up huge debts
and the future will show outright stealing isn't a proper course of action.
Nationalization is the worst thing that can be done!

With any luck, this regime will be replaced with one that is responsible.

So when it went down it was because of Obama even htough he was far from being in office. But when it went up it wasn't because of Obama.

Fuzzy logic there.

nope, again....
it went down because some people saw they were ponzied by bush, And that obama was coming.
Bad outlook all the way around.
It going back up is partially because of more book cooking, money printing,
and people working their tales off.
The 'dollar' is now only worth about 40 cents' so if one takes that into account...
it still doesn't look good.
The shell game will have to end one day, because there isn't a pea anywhere.
Once he promised that, if we'd only pass this SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION dollar stimulus package, we'd not go over 8% unemployment & things would be right as rain, it became his recession.
No more so than Clinton was responsible for the boom in the 90's.
Question is, will you give Osama credit for the 70% tax rate you are going to be paying?
The silence is deafening

Employer Mandate Excise Tax (Page 275): If an employer does not pay 72.5 percent of a single employee’s health premium (65 percent of a family employee), the employer must pay an excise tax equal to 8 percent of average wages. Small employers (measured by payroll size) have smaller payroll tax rates of 0 percent (<$500,000), 2 percent ($500,000-$585,000), 4 percent ($585,000-$670,000), and 6 percent ($670,000-$750,000).

Individual Mandate Surtax (Page 296): If an individual fails to obtain qualifying coverage, he must pay an income surtax equal to the lesser of 2.5 percent of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) or the average premium. MAGI adds back in the foreign earned income exclusion and municipal bond interest.

Medicine Cabinet Tax (Page 324): Non-prescription medications would no longer be able to be purchased from health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs), or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Insulin excepted.

Cap on FSAs (Page 325): FSAs would face an annual cap of $2500 (currently uncapped).

Increased Additional Tax on Non-Qualified HSA Distributions (Page 326): Non-qualified distributions from HSAs would face an additional tax of 20 percent (current law is 10 percent). This disadvantages HSAs relative to other tax-free accounts (e.g. IRAs, 401(k)s, 529 plans, etc.)

Denial of Tax Deduction for Employer Health Plans Coordinating with Medicare Part D (Page 327): This would further erode private sector participation in delivery of Medicare services.

Surtax on Individuals and Small Businesses (Page 336): Imposes an income surtax of 5.4 percent on MAGI over $500,000 ($1 million married filing jointly). MAGI adds back in the itemized deduction for margin loan interest. This would raise the top marginal tax rate in 2011 from 39.6 percent under current law to 45 percent—a new effective top rate.

Excise Tax on Medical Devices (Page 339): Imposes a new excise tax on medical device manufacturers equal to 2.5 percent of the wholesale price. It excludes retail sales and unspecified medical devices sold to the general public.


Codification of the “Economic Substance Doctrine” (Page 349): Empowers the IRS to disallow a perfectly legal tax deduction or other tax relief merely because the IRS deems that the motive of the taxpayer was not primarily business-related.

Page 94—Section 202(c) prohibits the sale of private individual health insurance policies, beginning in 2013, forcing individuals to purchase coverage through the federal government

Page 110—Section 222(e) requires the use of federal dollars to fund abortions through the government-run health plan—and, if the Hyde Amendment were ever not renewed, would require the plan to fund elective abortions

Page 111—Section 223 establishes a new board of federal bureaucrats (the “Health Benefits Advisory Committee”) to dictate the health plans that all individuals must purchase —and would likely require all Americans to subsidize and purchase plans that cover any abortion

Page 211—Section 321 establishes a new government-run health plan that, according to non-partisan actuaries at the Lewin Group, would cause as many as 114 million Americans to lose their existing coverage

Page 225—Section 330 permits—but does not require—Members of Congress to enroll in government-run health care

Page 313—Section 512 imposes an 8 percent “tax on jobs” for firms that cannot afford to purchase “bureaucrat-approved” health coverage ; according to an analysis by Harvard Professor Kate Baicker, such a tax would place millions “at substantial risk of unemployment”—with minority workers losing their jobs at twice the rate of their white counterparts
Oh sorry that’s right I forgot that my sole purpose in life was too force
you to come over to the right side, finally see the light and be saved!
Oh my brothas and sistas help me to exorcise these Liberal demons
from our Brotha Spikey, help him to see the error of his ways
before he’s sentenced to the eternal hellfires of damnation.
Saints be praised!
Health Care bill is going down. Pelosi and Reid are running scared without the votes. Even if they managed it by kamikaze and the nooklear options its still going to challenged in the SCOTUS as unconstitutional. In 2010 the libtards are going down and we can erase the blight of the idiot liberals.