ObamaCare revisited

^^RM's wishfull thinking posted as if it was real.^^
Got something to disprove it? Fact is her socialist health care is nothing but failure and unconstitutional, it will not be allowed to ever go into effect. Pelosi is a dumb cunt that has no clue about this nation. She is an elitist liberal retard. She will not be the Mr Speaker in 2011.

Socialist health care has the nancy pelosi seal of approval.


Got something to disprove it? Fact is her socialist health care is nothing but failure and unconstitutional, it will not be allowed to ever go into effect. Pelosi is a dumb cunt that has no clue about this nation. She is an elitist liberal retard. She will not be the Mr Speaker in 2011.

^^Wishfult thinking posted as if it were real^^

You have a disconnect that allows you to act like your fantasy for the future is somehow real.

It's like if I said "fact is dog-human hybrids will make us beg for treats in the future". OMG can you disprove it?
Except the problem is that voting for Obama a year ago was a fashion statement, much like it was once a fad to buy Beanie Babies, pet rocks and Cabbage Patch Kids. But instead of ending up with a ridiculous dust-collector at the bottom of your closet, the Obama fad leaves you with higher taxes, a reduced retirement fund, no job and a one-year wait for an MRI.

That is why Corzine's defeat sounded the death knell for national health care.
Except the problem is that voting for Obama a year ago was a fashion statement

In the real world Obama was a wise choice which greatly improved our country over the last administration which was one of the most disastrous in history. His policies reflect what America wanted.

the Obama fad leaves you with higher taxes, a reduced retirement fund, no job and a one-year wait for an MRI.

In the real world I'm not paying any higher taxes, my retirement fund has not been reduced, I have a job, and I don't have to wait any longer for an MRI.

That is why Corzine's defeat sounded the death knell for national health care.

In the real world governors don't affect the health reform bill. I do thank you for the extra congressional seat though. That helps.
In contrast to the Obama’s team sanguine analysis, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told POLITICO, “We got walloped.”

It will be interesting to see how these two democrats vote in the Senate health care game.

Thanks Obama!

Health Care bill is going down. Pelosi and Reid are running scared without the votes. Even if they managed it by kamikaze and the nooklear options its still going to challenged in the SCOTUS as unconstitutional. In 2010 the libtards are going down and we can erase the blight of the idiot liberals.

no they are clawing at each others throat. :evilsmok:

pelosi is like 'oh this is going to fly through', and reid is like 'we ain't doin' squat 'til next year'.
It will be interesting to see how these two democrats vote in the Senate health care game.

I hate to tell you but governors aren't senators and don't get a vote on healthcare. You did give us another member of congress tho'.

Thanks republicans!
Obviously you do not understand that they all work for the people.

See, the connection is the fact that people are having voters remorse with the liberal ideaologies. That leftist ideals, your ideals, are not wanted. If the senators do their job, they will be taking notice.
Obviously you do not understand that they all work for the people.

Yes, you made a big mistake thinking they voted on healthcare. I was pointing out your mistake.

See, the connection is the fact that people are having voters remorse with the liberal ideaologies.

Actually no, they even elected a new Dem to congress in a heavily republican district. ;)

That leftist ideals, your ideals, are not wanted.

The rightist ideals, your ideals are not wanted. As witnessed by your sweeping defeats in the last couple elections. Now we have even one more in Congress. Thanks for that.
I think I'd like to be the first American to say to a camera crew, "I'm going to jail because I don't have health-care".

Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

Obamas America
ObamaPelosiCare is simply unconstitutional at this point. -- like that even crosses their minds.

I agree Gonz, the prison would fill -- wait, they already are. FEMA camps?
Gimme free stuff I don't care where it comes from...

Oh how idyllic life could be for me
If I could simply
call anything that I don’t agree with a LIE
Like my role model Spikey.
I wanna make up reality as I go along too
Re: Gimme free stuff I don't care where it comes from...

Oh how idyllic life could be for me
If I could simply
call anything that I don’t agree with a LIE

You already do that. You just don't ever have evidence to support what you say like I have provided.