Obama's Long-Form


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White House Releases Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate

The White House has released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, saying the document is "proof positive" the president was born in Hawaii.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the administration decided to release the full document in response to mounting questions about the president's birth. He noted that what started as Internet chatter had moved into the national political debate and ended up being discussed regularly on mainstream news outlets.

He said the president believed the matter was becoming a "distraction" from major issues.

Personally I'm completely satisfied one This subject, and agree, it's Time to move on.

Now, let's see how many networks continue to bring it up to Trump.
I'm betting they keep on and keep on hounding him when the don't
want to answer other questions.
Completely satisfied to what extent Cato? -- That BHO was born in Hawaii or that he still doesn't meet the the Natural Born Citizen clause in the COTUS?

When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as President of the United States:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Natural Born Citizen


Citizen of the United States.


However... I do not think there is much we can do about this term. Any action taken against this current term will certainly bring on race/class/civil war.

Had BHO been born before the adoption of the COTUS, he would be eligible. Baraq Hussein Obama II is not eligible to be POTUS.
yeah he is an 'anchor baby', but still a citizen naturally born in the U.S.A.

I personally hope the anchor baby law is changed, or reascended, but in
any event, atm at least, I believe he's eligible.

Farther, I also do believe atm, we have much larger problems.
Yeah, many created by Obama and Co., but still, we need to focus
on getting him out by conventional means.
I agree about the conventional means. But... "Natural Born Citizen" is not "Citizen", it's a higher bar. The NBC is only referenced for the Office of POTUS as defined by Vattel in Laws of Nations.

It is to protect the office from anyone who may owe allegiance to any other nation, such as we have now.

Anchor babies are not eligible to POTUS.
if that Is in deed the case, Someone should file a lawsuit immediately.

I'd like to know what the other side would argue as to why that wouldn't be the case.
• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

Obama Birth Certificate “Raises As Many Questions As It Answers”

Paul Joseph Watson
April 27, 2011

Despite some political commentators insisting that the White House release of what it claims to be Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate represents the end of the “crazy birther fringe” movement, those who most fiercely pushed doubts surrounding the president’s eligibility are not convinced.

While presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump welcomed the release of the document, he was quick to cast suspicion as to why it took so long and if the certificate was even genuine.

Trump said it was “amazing” that the document surfaced “all of a sudden” after he had begun asking questions about the controversy, adding that the certificate should be analyzed to determine its authenticity.

Indeed, the Smoking Gun website has already compiled a list of inconsistencies found in the document, including asking, “If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document’s safety paper be so seamless?”

Meanwhile, World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah, who has been at the forefront of the birther movement, heavily promoting Jerome Corsi’s investigations into the matter along with his new book, Where’s The Birth Certificate?, reacted to the news by saying the birth certificate “raises as many questions as it answers”.

At the center of the storm is the argument about whether the fact that Obama’s father was born in Kenya, which is confirmed on the document released by the White House today, makes Obama ineligible to become president because he is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States.

“Some of the cases challenging Obama have explained that he was a dual citizen through his father at his birth, and they contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born citizens,” reports WND, meaning that the document released by the White House today could even lead to proving Obama’s ineligibility.

“The news media and the political establishment were quick to rush to judgment regarding Obama’s eligibility in 2008, without any basis. It would be a big mistake for everyone to jump to a conclusion now based on the release of this document, which raises as many questions as it answers,” Farah said today.

Some political commentators have hastily insisted that the release of the document means, “The “birther” movement is now dead as a political force,” a rush to judgment given the fact that the White House’s direct involvement now means the entire controversy will only continue to generate attention.

Since the American people have been habitually lied to about everything under the sun, with trust in government at an all time low, a PDF file put out directly by the Obama administration itself isn’t going to make the furore die down at all, and will only lead to claims that the document is a carefully crafted fake.

Obama’s long form birth certificate – http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf

Correspondence with the Hawaii State Department of Health can be seen here (PDF).

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

if that Is in deed the case, Someone should file a lawsuit immediately.
They have. Seems that nobody has legal standing.

It will be interesting now that we have a legally recognized document.

Funny that Obama let Lt.Col Latkin go to the brig by not releasing his birth certificate. The certificate shows that O is not qualified for the office.

I'd like to know what the other side would argue as to why that wouldn't be the case.
The usual bullshit: It doesn't matter, the constitution is old, being a US citizen is the same as being NBC (see COTUS, see Vattel).

It going to be interesting going into 2012.
They have. Seems that nobody has legal standing.

it's not a matter of a 'persons' legal standing.
It's a matter of the legal standing of 'the law'.
The person who brings it has no bearing.

So what does some judge say the reason is for no legal standing?
Who is the judge that won't hear it?

Seems everywhere I turn, some 'people' Have to go by the Law, or be arrested,
but Some have a whole different set of law, or not at all.
WHERE's Our Justice system? Where are the Prosecutors with Balls!?
It's just gotten ridiculous.
Ugh, guys, NATURAL BORN CITIZEN means a citizen that was born here as opposed to a naturalized citizen. Yes, anchor babies most certainly may become PotUS.
After literally spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep the certificate a secret, he finally spends the ten bucks to show it to us.

Maybe he does run his own financial life like he does the nation's; and that is why we are in the fix we are in.
right. anyone who thinks that the british nationality law supercedes US law in a case involving a US citizen - gee, the 1960s was how long after we gained independence - is simply a fool.

all you fuckers got is your circus.
it's not complicated. you're the one trying to milk complication out of nothing because you simply dislike obama.
Yeah, I don't like him, so what. My feelings about Obama has nothing to with his birth not meeting the requirements set forth in the Constitution to be POTUS.

The definition is not "citizen" or "native citizen" (<anchor baby), its "natural born citizen" as set forth in 'Laws of Nations'.

Even the modern day State Department rules discusses the problems associated with dual citizenship:
7 FAM 081: U.S. Policy on Dual Nationality: (e)While recognizing the existence of dual nationality, the U.S. Government does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause. Dual nationality may hamper efforts by the U.S. Government to provide diplomatic and consular protection to individuals overseas. When a U.S. citizen is in the other country of their dual nationality, that country has a predominant claim on the person.
the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that dual nationality is a "status long recognized in the law" and that "a person may have and exercise rights of nationality in two countries and be subject to the responsibilities of both." See Kawakita v. United States, 343 U.S. 717 (1952).

A natural born citizen bears no allegiance to any other nation, that's why the clause is in there.

Anchor baby president, surely you don't believe that.
Obama's Long-Form has facts on it he wants no one to see

It's not complicated, after what this regime has done
we are ready to accept anything and they are impatient
to serve it up to us.