Ocean front property


Well-Known Member
"I got some ocean front property in E-thi-o-pia,..."
may somebody, some day

Giant Crack in Africa Will Become New Ocean
A 35-mile rift in the desert of Ethiopia will likely become a new ocean eventually, researchers now confirm.

The crack, 20 feet wide in spots, opened in 2005 and some geologists believed then that it would spawn a new ocean. But that view was controversial, and the rift had not been well studied.

A new study involving an international team of scientists and reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds the processes creating the rift are nearly identical to what goes on at the bottom of oceans, further indication a sea is in the region's future.

The same rift activity is slowly parting the Red Sea, too.
Pretty much everything from Bill O'reilly's hangnail to a video of a panda's fart are 'real world' events...but they don't necessarily all fit in the thread.

I'd say that it wasn't immediate enough in it's ramifications to fit into the RW forum. It's geomorphology, a science. It's not controversial as all.
sure it's controversial. all those scientists have agendas. just like in the whole global warming debate.

this is some sort of afrocentric bullshit, to defraud good christian americans!

gooddamned angela davis is on this one too.

obama can't be far behind. IMAGINE THE VALUE OF LAND IN KENYA after all that other shit falls into the ocean... just move south when the giant fissure happens! yeah obama gonna clean up in his homeland.
lol, I knew you'd come through minks.:laugh:

maybe they are going to make a new movie, as soon as '2012' plays out.

I wonder if it'll make the other ocean levels go down, since they are rising from the ice caps melting?.:p
I guess we might not have to be concerned anymore with alGores theory of
florida going under water huh?:hippy:
sure it's controversial. all those scientists have agendas.

It does make you wonder...

will likely become a new ocean eventually, researchers now confirm

An anonymous source added, "We will definitively say it might do something & we're staking our reputations on it by confirming it. If it doesn't happen, you have our permission to belittle us, publically."
It's not called global warming. its now "climate change" which is far more vague, and most importantly, very difficult to disprove

that's because there's nothing to disprove, or prove.
It happens every day.
of coarse they just want to tax air, period.
You breath, you pay.