Ocean's Eleven question for the UK people

my missus likes buffy and apparenty giles helps out with the use of proper english with spike, although he still gets it wrong a fair bit.
more amusing for us in the uk is a guy in the buffy credits called thomas wanker. priceless :D :D
I rather like the scene in Austin Powers III where Austin and Nigel Powers start talking "British English". Very funny (well I thought it was anyway)
Justintime said:
Lol, its prolly a deviation of some expression of something in Africa.

it comes from the sound that big expensive chains and jewlery make when much is worn, thus indicating wealth of some sort :p
hence, "bling blingin' " = gots lotsa $$$$$$$$ and shows it off
Mongoose said:
I rather like the scene in Austin Powers III where Austin and Nigel Powers start talking "British English". Very funny (well I thought it was anyway)


Alright my son. I coulda had it away with this cracking Julie me old china.

If you are feeling quiggly why not just have a J Arthur?

What, Billy no-mates??

Too right, youth!

Don’t you remember the crembo din din we ‘ad with the grotty scotsman?

Oh, the one who was all sixes and sevens?

Yeah yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the morris dancer who lived up the apples and pears!
Something like...

I could of had sex with this pretty woman.

If you are feeling horny, why not just jerk off?

What, on my own??


Don't you remember the Christmas dinner we had with the scottish woman?

You mean the crazy one?

Yeah, she was the wife of the dancer who lived upstairs.