OCN? Anyone here from the Pirate Fleet?


New Member
TNproud2b said I might find some of you guys hangin' round here. It's probably been three years since I posted on piratefleet.com, which I found to my dismay is no more. Come to think of it it's probably been nearly 5 years since I was a regular member at over-clockersnetwork.net (that's was it was, right? it's been that long.) Man it brings back memories. It's gonna take me a while to remeber all that's happened since then. That is assuming, of course, that this is the right forum, or else no one will know what I'm talking about.

I guess the biggest thing that has happened to be is I got married on Aug 28th, 2004. Everything has been great. We're now on our third apartment, moving up everytime.

The job is going well. I'm splitting my time bewteen delivering Pizza and working for my Grandpa in the Oil and Gas industry. I've been doing the pizza thing for about three years now, and I think it's about run it's course. Mostly I'm just waiting on my Grandpa to find more work for me to do so I can go full time with him. He was getting ready to close out the company because after my dad left he didn't think anyone in the family wanted to run it. So now I'm trying to get him to change gears with is business plan, which is not easy.

I think many of you old pirates will be slightly ashamed of me, but I have a confession: I haven't upgraded a computer in over two years, and I haven't even opened the case of one in probably six months. Sad, I know. Equally shameful, I'm still running on an e-machine. This one being a Celeron 2.2 Ghz with 256MB ram. It's better than the Celeron 366 I started on at OCN, but still shameful. To my defense, it was giving to me for free by my grandfather-in-law. My Duron 800 that I built got away from me somehow. It was in the process of one of my moves. Of course, it's arcane compared to today's machines, but I assembled it myself. If any of you remember, it was the one that I used for my mineral oil cooling project. That project was a double edged sword. While the test was a success (running at the stock 800Mhz@ 76F), it was in the middle of this project that I lost interest. Mineral oil is just so gross to mess with, and you got to be super careful about not getting any on your drives. Even after I dismantled to setup and returned it to normal, there was always this residue that I couldn't get off of the components. Not long after that, I also got into cars.

Cars. Now there's an interesting subject. I'm on to vehicle #4.5 since I started driving at 16. My first was an 82 buick skylark for whose namesake I gave my e-mail address. But the first one I got into was my 89 Ford Escort GT. I really got into playing with that thing (slow as it was) and got into a message board about ford escorts (which I think has gone the way of the pirate fleet as well and sailed on into the sunset). Then I had a 91 escort GT. I loved that car. It was much better than my 89. But that brings me to my pride and joy: my 1981 Chevy Camaro. It's a gold sport coup with a 305 (not that great), but I'm toying with the idea of a 383@maybe 450hp (and a new tranny, and rear diff., and wheels, and tires, and breaks, and... better take this one step at a time). Of course, this is a terrible vehicle for pizza delivery, so even though it is techinically mine, my wife drives it for the most part (seeing as she works ~1 mi. from our apt.). which brings me to vehicle 4.5, which is techinically hers, but I pay for it and I drive it for work. This being our '02 Kia Rio. Breathtaking, I know. Just don't hold your breath while you accelerate, or you'll pass out. But hey, it gets the job done and it hasn't broken yet (crossed fingers).

As far as anything else goes I graduated High School and am now going to Tulsa Community College, which is great because I can work and be married and still go to school. But nothing really important has happened other than what's listed above. Of course, this is all wasted if nobody here is from OCN. If that be the case, then I just told a bunch of strangers my story for the last five years of my life. Oh well.
I remember OCN. Those were some good old days, squeezing an extra dozen mhz out of each of my computers to get 2 more units per month done in Genome.

I'm currently running on a watercooled (wussy style, Zalman Reserator) Athlon 64 X2 dual core 2.0 ghz, capable of 2.5 ghz if it's hard-nipple cold inside my apartment, and a Geforce 7800 GT, standard clocks of 468/1.05, capable of a few runs of 3dmark at 488/1.17...not much, but the memory isn't actively cooled, and the GPU gets the sloppy seconds after the CPU gets a shower.

I've been going to school since January of 2004, and have had a real job (that I actually get W2s for) since April of this year. Otherwise, I make a few bucks here and there from an online game I started in August of 2004, it peaked at 10,000 players, now down to about 500 :mope: Used to get about $700-1000 a month, but now down to about $50 :mope:
I've always had curiosity about the longevity of internet forums.

I mean, they are a relatively new thing. Even the oldest ones I've seen only date back to '98 or so, and most are from '00 or '01. Where are they heading?

We've seen plenty of sites fold, but plenty become huge. There are places with 25,000+ members.

And it's like, are forums still going to be around in 10 years? 25 years?
And, what if it's still the same people? What if everyone is old and we're still posting?

It's weird, y'know.
These forums might be around in 10 years, but certainly not 25 as all forums of public communication and free speech will be outlawed by then. All posting will have to be done 'Red Barchetta' geurilla style.
Yeah, I kinda try to avoid too Orwellian projections for the future.

I really hope that things don''t go that way.
A small part of the new media. We no longer need Uncle Walter, Cousin Dan & Katey feeding us their brand of bullshit. We can find our own version. ;)
I haven't upgraded a computer in over two years, and I haven't even opened the case of one in probably six months. Sad, I know.

I'm still running the same laptop I bought in late 2003. P4 2.4GHz, 512MB of RAM and a 100GB HDD. The home puter is still the same as it was in 2000, a p3@500MHz with 384MB of RAM, 2x30GB HDD and a whopping TNT2 Ultra with 32MB of video memory :D