Offical Campaign from the Princess


New Member
I am herby declaring my newest campaign to end loud eaters. From now on...

1. no crunchy foods allowed during the good parts or end of a movie
2. all mouths WILL be closed during the chewing process of your meal
3. you will not eat my leftovers
4. sipping and slurping drinks, soups and other liquids while others are trying to watch a movie, play a game or talk will not be allowed.
5. there will be no talking while there is food in your mouth
6. you will not be allowed to scream over others when there is food in your mouth
7. any projectile food will be punished with a good sporking

That is all...FOR NOW
Since this is a campaign to end loud eaters, I don't see how me eating your leftovers would make me a loud eater. I could eat them quite quietly.

On a side note, leftovers: good. Sloppy seconds: bad.
7. any projectile food will be punished with a good sporking


*loves a good sporking :brow:
PrincessLissa said:
I am herby declaring my newest campaign to end loud eaters. From now on...

1. no crunchy foods allowed during the good parts or end of a movie
2. all mouths WILL be closed during the chewing process of your meal
3. you will not eat my leftovers
4. sipping and slurping drinks, soups and other liquids while others are trying to watch a movie, play a game or talk will not be allowed.
5. there will be no talking while there is food in your mouth
6. you will not be allowed to scream over others when there is food in your mouth
7. any projectile food will be punished with a good sporking

That is all...FOR NOW

Who pissed in your Cheerios™?
You forgot a few

* There will be no dropping of utensils on plates
* Place your glass/mug/cup down on the table (don't slam it down like a barbarian)
* All incidents of the screaching of a knife against a place will be met with death
* Gargling is right out - even if it is your best gravy
I find a straw useful for rewarding people who chew with their mouth open.

And Bish ..... You've no call talking about anyone else eating loudly. You're one of the worst, and I've nailed you about it more than once.
Inkara1 said:
Since this is a campaign to end loud eaters, I don't see how me eating your leftovers would make me a loud eater. I could eat them quite quietly.

As long as you I don't know that you are eating my leftovers because you are slurpping and chomping on them while I am watching movies, than it is fine. :D I'd rather find out later rather than hearing you eat them. Besides, in my expierence, loud eaters tend to be leftover stealers!

And yes, we must add that there will be no scraping untinsils on plates.
Sod that........I like to enjoy me food :D (although even I don't eat with me gob open)

If yer all wanna sit prim and proper in eerie silence, fuck off to another table ;)
Oz said:
Sod that........I like to enjoy me food :D (although even I don't eat with me gob open)

If yer all wanna sit prim and proper in eerie silence, fuck off to another table ;)

LOL! Oz my man! I have GOT to meet you in the flesh... I have a feeling we may be related!!!!!! :kiss:
Let's add no gum chewing if you are unable to keep your mouth closed.

If I wanted to hear a cow chewing, I'd go to a farm or buy one of my own!
to be added to the rules list?

8. Scraping of silverware on teeth will NOT be tolerated. Do not drag the fork across your teeth upon entering or exiting your mouth. It's freakin' annoying!
Uki Chick said:
Let's add no gum chewing if you are unable to keep your mouth closed.

Hell yes, people that do that are nacos*, period.

*Wish I knew the word in english.
Rose said:
to be added to the rules list?

8. Scraping of silverware on teeth will NOT be tolerated. Do not drag the fork across your teeth upon entering or exiting your mouth. It's freakin' annoying!

Yes, that will be added!
ClaireBear said:
LOL! Oz my man! I have GOT to meet you in the flesh... I have a feeling we may be related!!!!!! :kiss:

It's 'cos we are uncouth geordies m'dear! :D

Either that.....or we just don't get hung up on trivial shit like who slops what ;)