Official BBQ thread.

I wanna go, otherwise I'll end up wasting my vacation around here again. As for bringing italian beef, if I can't get it past the border (I have no idea what it's even like, I've barely been north of Milwaukee) then I'll bring a recipe for my mother's italian beef and make it. Even I can't screw up a crockpot... can I?
It's OK ku'u...we'll have a party at your house sometime!

I am not vouching for anyone else but *I* plan to bring MY arse to Hawaii as soon as I am done school and working (or sooner if i find a man to bring me :D) and I promise to make the extra plane trip to spend a day with you and Na :D
Stop Laughing said:
I'll bring a recipe for my mother's italian beef and make it. Even I can't screw up a crockpot... can I?
poor SL...i'll bring my 2 crockpots and help you with the recipe :)
OK - so we've got the dates knocked down to either the labour day weekend or the weekend prior. I'll post a vote thread here.

We'll need real I may post up a similar thread with only a YES/NO vote for the BBQ. I don't want to be caught with my pants dow...unless it's part of the after-party.
We need to have one at my place. I'm more centrally located, I'm not married :brow: there's a liquor store 100 yards from my house, 8 foot tall privacy fence around the backyard (those who want to get nekkid can), two lesbians live two houses down from me, airport within a half mile of my house, I'm not married :brow: 3 computers all with web cams, digital camera and a VHS camcorder and two extra bedrooms :blank:

Did I mention I wasn't married :lloyd:
I've been thinking of the logistics of hosting the BBQ for both OTC and my regular BBQ at the same time. Seems to work for me. Logistics have made me pick the Saturday of the Labour Day weekend, primarily because of the travel itinery of those coming in from afar.

The fact that most will have the friday off means that people won't have to be travelling on the day of the BBQ itself or even late the evening prior. It also leaves a free evening (saturday) and a free day (Sunday) to either go to bars, see the town, have dinner etc... for those coming in.

So... I'll have the exact start time, address, links to mapquest/Yahoo Maps etc... on here soonest.

Hope to see a lot of you there!!

Sounds great Marc! I'm looking forward to it.

Anyone who needs a place to stay will have to let us know in advance, as well as pick-ups from train, bus etc.
kuulani said:
will someone carry a picture of me at the party so it'll seem like i'm there? :D

Ooh...forgot to mention that it'll be a clothing optional party...but if you send a clothing optional pic of you..I'll get it laminated an everything :p
clothing optional... righteous! :evilsmok: How dangerous is that? Naked skin and open flames! You people live dangerously. You better get a full wax so no hair catches fire. :evilgrin:

Oh, it's in Montreal!? *sad* Damn... :eh: Even though Montreal is one of my fave cities, I suppose you can count me out then, too far for a road trip at this time. *sigh*
Oops, fergot about this...

yeah, possibly be a burger for me.......I don't drink beer, so I won't be affecting those stocks show or no :D

Should really read the thread..or think ahead (hah! that'd be first :lloyd: ) before I post.

Accomodation: Don't worry about it, I'll sort summit out :swing:
valkyrie said:
clothing optional... righteous! :evilsmok: How dangerous is that? Naked skin and open flames! You people live dangerously. You better get a full wax so no hair catches fire. :evilgrin:

Oh, it's in Montreal!? *sad* Damn... :eh: Even though Montreal is one of my fave cities, I suppose you can count me out then, too far for a road trip at this time. *sigh*
cooking? at a Canadian BBQ?! :confuse3:
