Official bitchslap roster


New Member
Okay, nalani, once and for all, who is authorized to bitch-slap around here?

*:bitchslap: nalani for not being here to answer my question*
:eek: That's not fair! You asked the question knowing that she wasn't here yet!

I will be funny though to see ho wmuch she bitchslaps you for bitchslapping her! :D

I would like to add to Ku'u's question: Of the people who are authorized to bitchslap, WHO are they NOT allowed to bitchslap?
Nixy said:
:eek: That's not fair! You asked the question knowing that she wasn't here yet!

I will be funny though to see ho wmuch she bitchslaps you for bitchslapping her! :D

I would like to add to Ku'u's question: Of the people who are authorized to bitchslap, WHO are they NOT allowed to bitchslap?

I don't mind the :bitchslap:, it's her :whip: I'm afraid of :eek:

Well, as far as I can tell, if the only thing dangling between your legs is a string, youi're allowed.
*dances around*

hehehehe! I have connections in Hawaii and I can get the bitchslapper, bitchslapped in person! hehe!
*bitchslaps ku'u for bitchslapping me* :D

well, let's see ... I don't have specific rules as to who you're not allowed to bitchslap .. I guess that's a personal preference .. I promised Prof that I would never bitchslap him ..but I would, however, take his beer ...
I don't think that anyone shoudl be allowed to bitchslap members of the bitchslap team.

What do you think Na?
woohoo! someone thinks i can actually beat up nalani! :headbang:

nalani, you would take his beer?!?! How low can you go? I don't know about prof, but I could survive being bitchslapped ... but to survive no beer?! The HORROR!
Nixy you're right on two accounts ... members of the Bitchslap Squad should never bitchslap another member ... *nod* ... and the other thing is that I am indeed too swamped with work to be able to put up a good fight ... but that doesn't mean I can't kick her ass ;) :D

Prof, baby ... don't even try to pass over skanky beer .. or Moosehead in a can ... cause that'll move me to the "bitchslap proxy" area .. I'll be forced to have the other girls slap you on my behalf ;)
Now, Nal. I can't believe you'd think that of me. Even two year old beer will stay good if you treat it right. Keep it cool. Don't agitate it. And never, ever expose it to sunlight.


Nothing wrong with it.
Moosehead :licklips: a can? That's just plain wrong.

Sorry about bitchslapping the bitchslap team. I don't know what got over me this morning. Must be this damn sore throat :(