Officials Say U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law


Well-Known Member
At least Bush was wiretapping known terrorists. I wonder who 0bama is wiretapping??

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews.

While the N.S.A.’s operations in recent months have come under examination, new details are also emerging about earlier domestic-surveillance activities, including the agency’s attempt to wiretap a member of Congress, without court approval, on an overseas trip, current and former intelligence officials said.

The agency believed that the congressman, whose identity could not be determined, was in contact — as part of a Congressional delegation to the Middle East in 2005 or 2006 — with an extremist who had possible terrorist ties and was already under surveillance, the official said. The agency then sought to eavesdrop on the congressman’s conversations, the official said.

TeamObama: "a breathtaking expansion of sovereign immunity"
I just don't get all the wiretapping hoopla.
Anybody that doesn't expect it, just ain't aware of the risks.

The problem IS how it's used.
It will be done regardless.
The bigger story is a member of Congress went to the ME and was in in contact with an Muslim extremist who had terrorist ties.
The Muslim extremist who had possible terrorist ties was already being surveilled when a U.S. Congressman was recorded taking part in the conversations.
So are you going to explain why you thought that Bush was only tapping know terrorists?

You were pretty far off there.
I once met a Muslim and I didn't hate him. I suppose that means I have "terrorist ties".

golly i've met muslims that i thought were fantastic as well as a few that i really can't stand. seems to be the same way with most groups of people i've come across. (i've also come across a muslim, but that is another story. :la:)

predictably the usual suspect here is stuck on the one-way auto gyro to white christian fascistdom. only later will she realize that jesus thinks that shit is awful jerky.
Is there a distinction between the Muslims that want to cut your heads off and and ones that are your buds? :shrug:
Is there a distinction between the Muslims that want to cut your heads off and and ones that are your buds? :shrug:


is there any difference between, respectively, you and me?


grow up. there's a whole big world out there.
At least Bush was wiretapping known terrorists.
It's been known for a long time that it is NOT just "known terrorists" (or even suspected terrorists) that King George W. Bush was illegally wiretapping. It was everyone. The phone companies were coerced into setting this up under King George and were later promised immunity when the citizens were trying to get their civil liberties back and their constitutional rights protected. (Only Quest refused to participate.) That promise of immunity, IMO, was a cop-out! The government DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO COERCE A BUSINESS INTO BREAKING THE LAW FOR THEM!!!

So... interesting how the RW'ers are now up in arms about this... but when it was set in motion under King George they kept silent. No fight. No disapproval. No indignation. Fuckin' pussies. None of you should call yourselves Americans if you kept silent when it was implemented. Fuckin' sheep! All of you!
... where's the Tea Party!

(The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves. So fuckin' sad.)

I'm sure you can provide a series of links to back up your claim that the Booooosh! administration was listening in on everyone's conversations? Prove that he did.

Until you can find that, rest assured that GWB had your best interests in mind.


Did you know that Barky supported legislation granting legal immunity to the telecoms?

Oh, the humanity.

I can't hear your outrage.
Did you find anything yet?

Here, let me help you out:

Search for "6-20-2008 Democrat-majority Congress Set to Vote on FISA Reauthorization, Including Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms That Worked With Bush Administration."
