oh f**k

Tad Ironic, this probably wasn't the best thread to show his mom. Especially considering it was started by our boards youngest member.
my neph was on jjrs saying stuff just as bad.
They're all wishy washy over there.
He'll probably be on next week.:D
:rofl: @ squiggy....:D

yes, this thread is complete useless :D and altron is still asleep while you went spamming all over the place here :D
These bastards at work actually expect me to do something besides post here. :eek:
Q said:
what a bunch of slave drivers!:mad:

I know, if it wasn't for the T1 Line, the 4 weeks a year paid vacation and the 3 weeks a year Sick Time, I'd just say Fuck it.

I still can't believe they'll only let me have a 400mhz computer. I've told them time and time again that there is no way in hell GTA3 will play right on this machine, but they just don't seem to care. :(
400mhz?? that is simply uncivilized....file a complaint! ...better yet...put it in the report:mad: