Oh for shame

flavio said:
The person with nothing intelligent to say chimes in. Read a book and learn something,

She just didn't want you to feel all alone.

And trust me...she's forgotten more about actual history than you care to learn. She abandoned the myths she was force fed. You choose to wallow in them.

Damn, this does get boring, don't it? Think I'll go watch tin cans rust.
flavio said:
Cop out. Can't think of a way to make that leap now?
1. It wasn't a leap.
virtually everyone else who reads this thread will have understood.
2. It's not the sixties anymore.
3. You don't understand the phrase "cop-out."
SouthernN'Proud said:
She abandoned the myths she was force fed. You choose to wallow in them.
Who's wallowing in myths when you have a mental block against official documents?

It wasn't a leap.
If it wasn't a leap there wouldn't have been a subsequent cop out.

cop out: An excuse for inaction or evasion.

As your inaction and evasion in backing up what you say.
flavio said:
Who's wallowing in myths when you have a mental block against official documents?

I'm all about official documents. The ENTIRE document. Not one sentence. I'm also all about why certain legislation was passed, out of the mouth of the author. I'm also all about direct quotes from people who were actually there when certain events transpired. You, however, are all about editing one sentence out of something, and conveniently ignoring the rest and trying like hell to redirect every discussion you enter by asking asinine little third grade level questions while skillfully (you believe) diverting attention away from the actual issue. It's old, it's childish, and I'm done with it. Again. I've tried and tried and tried to meet you more than halfway. It ain't worked, it ain't going to work, and I'm through. Have fun.
Man, we should stick you two in a room together with a pair of foam bats, and just let you have it out. :hmm:
*is anyone else tired of these two butting heads?
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm all about official documents. The ENTIRE document. Not one sentence.
Well shit, I've read the ENTIRE documents but I guess you haven't. We can have a look at them right now if you want.

It ain't worked, it ain't going to work, and I'm through. Have fun.
Ah, but you know somewhere behind your mental block exactly what they show and of course you can't face that.