oh MiiiiiiitchShaft...

I figure since it's on the net anyway he can't get TO mad at me for posting it...

Darnit! I came in here to tell a bad joke and come to find it's a baby thread. Can't be messin up those baby threads now.:D

Beautiful baby by the way.
Actually, anything will do, as long as it costs more than $500 or will require more tham 5 hours to put right. :D
Shaving cream caps do a great job if one is going for a spectacular clog :tardbang:

the whole toilet has to come off for that :circle:
Barbie dolls are just big enough to flush, but not big enough to make it past the bend in the toilet. I have had this fact confirmed on two occasions.
I seriously think the law is retarded, but It would be better to save us and save you some serious problems with it- Luis G