oh MiiiiiiitchShaft...

Yes, I love watchin her sleep. Coinsidentally, I just came from there. :headbang:
But, my usb cable will not reach that far and the lighting would be bad.
MitchSchaft said:
You morons, there is no law against that. If there is, prove it.

I don't know your law, but after seeing all the stupid sues that take place over there i thought it was possible (and very likely) to have such a stupid law against taking pics of your child while naked :rolleyes:

I leave the decision to an admin that knows how it could affect OTC legally.
MitchSchaft said:
I presumed Gonzo was being facetious with his comment.

To a point. There have been recent cases of arrests for kids, nekkid in the tub. I kid you not. How far they went is beyond me.

As far as I'm concerned, they are not porn, in any stretch.

Cutey, BTW
Do you have any links to those stories? I can't find Federal law dealing with this kind of stuff. I think I just don't know how to look.