Oh those progressive Liberals!

freako104 said:
your the only one who said grope ;)

only my gf can do that!

I was delegating. Someone else did the work...I got credit for it. Gotta love white-collar middle-management fringe benefits. :D
Yeah I think he was trying to fix us two up.
sry Bish I don't swang that way.
Mebbe we can talk a Canuckistanner in to doin' it?
It turns out the law allowing these doctors to violate the Hippocratic oath & Dutch law was only a formality. It's been okay for years.

A study published today in the Dutch Journal of Medicine reveals that doctors in the Netherlands have been killing infants born with disabilities at least since 1997, despite euthanasia of children being illegal in that country.

Dr. Eduard Verhagen, a pediatrician at Groningen University Medical Center and one of the study's authors, is a well-known advocate of euthanasia. As reported by WorldNetDaily, Verhagen has boasted of killing four seriously deformed babies within the last two years.

"The babies are there but we were never allowed to talk about them. That must change. If we take this awfully difficult decision, it must happen with complete openness," said Verhagen, who hopes the study encourages doctors to report incidents of euthanasia without fear of prosecution.

"You are trained to save the life of a child but with these children the suffering can only be stopped by ending their lives. It takes courage to do that."

Today's report cites 22 cases of babies born with spina bifida who were euthanized in the U.K. between 1997 and 2004. In all cases, prosecutors dismissed the cases because doctors had complied with unofficial conditions that are not part of the Dutch legal code.

It takes courage to kill newborns. They are so heavily armed & well prepared freedom fighters.

The guideline says euthanasia is acceptable when the child's medical team and independent doctors agree the pain cannot be eased and there is no prospect for improvement, and when parents think it's best

Doctor:Mr & Mrs Smith, we need to talk.

The Smiths, in unison:Ok?

Doctor:Your child was born witha rare & debilitating disease...

Mrs Smith (starting to cry): Oh, NO!!!!!!
Mr Smith:Waht is it & can it be fixed?

Doctor:It's Bigguss Assus, a horribly disfiguring diesease that causes the glutius maximus to enlarge. It creates a rash that will not heal & it hurts like hell. Our crack using...err..crack staff of Dutch Nazi medical specialists have determined that there is no cure in sight. Because of the pain & unsightly bulging, your child will not have very good self-esteem. Because of the massive enlargement, they may even strain thier neck & shoulder muscles while attempting to wipe, creating more pain. The stares & finger pointing of tactless individuals will, in all liklihood, cuase mental anguish & possibly depresssion...severe depression is not uncommon .

Mrs Smith: (wailing) Whatever will we do??? My Baby, my poor beautiful baby....

Mr Smith: What is your suggetion Doctor?

Doctor:We'd suggest post-partum abortion.

Mr Smith:*gasp*
Mrs Smith:Thank God we have that right.

Doctor:Not God, thank the courts. That is however, semantics right now. The sooner we perform this...this...this procedure, the less your baby will suffer. I understand you want what's best for your child. You are in a delicate position & about to make the hardest decision of your life...

Mr Smith: If only you could abort me, instead of our prescious...

Mrs Smith:Yes, if only him...

Doctor: Please folks, I have a 9AM Tee-Time, focus.

Mr & Mrs (together): Sorry

Doctor:Your child may live, with this horrendous disease, a long life...or it may live a short, pain filled & agonizing life...we just don't know. We don't have a crystal ball. However, watching all the other fat asses around, I'm inclined, as is my staff, to agree that your childs life will hardly be pleasant.

Mr & Mrs (sobbing): So you suggest the PPA?


Mr Smith:May we have a few moments alone?

Doctor:Of course, I'll be over at the desk with Nurse Trixie.

(time passes)

(does time ever not pass?)

(okay, we should cut to commercial)

(oh, fer christs sake this is..)

Doctor: (letting go of Trixies 40DD left breast) Yes?
(catching his breath) Have you made a decision?

Mr Smith:I'm against this procedure but me Mrs thinks it ought to be done, for the sake of the child.

Mrs Smith:Yes, it is the best thing. Say, when can I get back to my glass ceiling job?

Doctor:I'd wait...oh, say, 24-48 hours.

Mrs Smith:Thank you doctor.

[fade out]

Doctors can only inform parents, it's still up to the parents.
Biggus Assus... crack team... I found some humor in that, the reference to a big ass and crack. :D

In fact, that reminds me of a joke.

Did you hear about Oprah getting arrested yesterday? The cops looked up her skirt and found 200 pounds of crack. :D
The hubby wants her dead. He has, or seems to have, ulterior motives. The parents are willing to "take her off his hands". There is no will or living will. Her wishes are not known. She shows potential for advancement, given help, which he has denied.

Why let her die. This case is not that cut & dry.
She ain't jumped up outta that bed and done nuthin' in 15 years it's a freakin' side show! Cut and dried she died in 1990.
A surprising number of people that look at this case side with the parents.

A Philadelphia Inquirer columnist who believes in the "right to die" has changed his mind about the Terri Schiavo case, pointing to "uncomfortable details" about her estranged husband that now lead him to side with the parents of the brain-damaged Florida woman, who are fighting to keep her alive.

John Grogan said in a column published today, "I no longer so blithely believe Schiavo's feeding tubes should be pulled and her life allowed to end. I'm no longer so sure her parents do not deserve a say in their daughter's future. I no longer am totally comfortable assuming her husband, Michael, who now has two children by another woman, is acting unselfishly."

Terri Schiavo suffered severe brain damage in 1990 after collapsing. Michael Schiavo attributes it to a chemical imbalance caused by an eating disorder, but parents Robert and Mary Schindler believe he may have tried to strangle her.

Michael Schiavo contends his wife told him she never would want to be kept alive artificially.

But Grogan points out Terri Schiavo's heart and lungs function on their own, and she requires only a feeding tube that might not be necessary if she were given physical therapy.

The columnist notes Michael Schiavo, as her legal guardian, has forbidden any therapy.

"If [Terri] Schiavo merely required spoon feeding instead of tube feeding, would anyone seriously be arguing to withhold food and water?" Grogan asked. "Does not every human, no matter how incapacitated, deserve sustenance?"

Grogan also is concerned about abuse allegations against Michael Schiavo and believes they should be investigated.
