There's a LOT wrong with your outlook, Flavio...
It's been pointed out, and it is wholly undeniable, that you cut and paste bits of larger articles when those bits support whatever it is you believe this week, which I might add is never easily pinned down.
...and you're crass. Someone here put up a picture of a soldier carrying a kid out of someplace...not sure where...not sure when...not sure of the circumstances, and then YOU come back with this wiseass remark along the lines of "I wonder if he just blew away that kids parents?".
I admit..I paraphrased that and it might not be the exact quote...but you can't deny putting that up...and that's offensive. Only a real prick would pipe up with something like that. And you do this a LOT , Flavio.....
You know what, though? I support your right to put up whatever you like, for whatever agenda you want to support, aimed at whomever you choose to target....but with that "right" HAS to come the understanding that each time you do this someone is probably gonna lob something right back at you that details and shouts down your abjectly stupid rhetoric...
..and it might be offensive to you, and that's even better. What YOU put out from now on is gonna be jammed right back up your ass whenever possible. No one's intimidated by you, you're held in generally low esteem....and as I mentioned last eve, you bring it on yourself.
Now, what I put up last night directly contradicted some of the AUP..for that I apologize to the board. I do NOT make any concessions to YOU though. You are everything I mentioned in that broadside, and while I'm sure it'd be wished that you'd take at least some of it to heart, I know you're utterly incapable of doing so...Lets get a few things right out in the open though. You're not honorable. You're not trying to get a message out to balance the debate, and you're not in ANY way interesting.....what you ARE, is merely an annoying bully.... , go on now..take a half hour or so and come up with some damn near witty barb answering this back.
Can't wait...I'm sure it'll be some of your best work...