Ok... let's take this getting loaded thing one step further.


Well-Known Member
Pretend you have no shame(not that you actually do). Throw pride and ego out the window. Let us hear the story you've been trying to keep under wraps all these years. Tell us about the time you humiliated yourself while drunk off your ass. Remember...it takes courage to show the world that you're an idiot.
One of mine is on its way...
I've never really done anything extreme, * knocking wood

just the usual looking goofy that everyone does while drunk :confbang:
MD 20/20....ACK! :drink2: *puke*
i'd tell you a story but whenever i get stupid drunk, i never remember what i did the night before.
I've never really done anything extreme

You smart people are no fun. You just haven't lived until you've had to cling to the grass to keep from falling off the the face of the earth. No really, don't let the projectile vomiting mislead you, i'm having the time of my life. I no longer have a care in the world. See i can piss my pants and i don't even care.

On second thought, maybe looking goofy isn't so bad after all.
ok...fun stuff...I can think of nothin I'm humiliated about, some that I regret maybe, only because I've since become law abiding :D

mailbox baseball...kids, DO NOT DO THIS!!!
midnight mountain tours
drunk lake dipping DUMB DUMB DUMB don't do it either
and on New Years Eve of last year, kissed a woman :D

I'll post more if I remember...
I do remember sitting on shrooms MARVELING at how beautiful the colours of the model car paint jars were, they were the prettiest colours I'd seen prior, or to be honest, have seen since :circle:
that time i drank that bottle of tequila with a friend was my missus' birthday. it was a 'bring a course' dinner with loads of people invited. i warmed up with afew bottles of beer and when food was slow in arriving we popped to the offie for a few more. wise mate recommends vodka but the nice stuff is out so we get tequila instead. lemon, salt for the first 2 then just straight shots.

food still slow to arrive when the tequila takes me by the arse and i have a need to play football outside. breaking a shot glass isn't phasing me as i neck from the bottle. i yell upstairs for some food and get pringles thrown at me, i take offense and slouch off when i yack up behind a church. passed out my mate goes for help, the posse arrive just as i wake up, still feeling perky.

i pop home where i make the bathroom floor my friend, uttering pleasntries to friends and a slurred 'fuck off' to the wife for nagging me to bed. when i do get there i find the cold shoulder well in effect and slump unconscious.

in the morning i awake bright and breezy, hangover free and pretty much 'wanker of the week' to all who saw me the night before. with the wife i was more like wanker of the year, it took months for her to stop reminding of that night.

i'm still pissed i didn't get any food too.

to be fair i wasn't all that trashed, just attempting to swing my pointlessly short hair around at a goth club. did make for an intersting trip to casualty though 'he heatbutted me and i've bitten through my cheek'.

pure quality. :D :D
it made a change too, normally its me who goes to casualty to have my hands stitched up after i slip making models. ah, what fun i had in them student days. hang on, the last one was when i was teaching... :eek6:
