Ok... let's take this getting loaded thing one step further.

Lets see.. April of 91. I woke up at 4 am to get in line to buy concert tickets for Yes. Went home to pack. Went to donate a pint of blood. A few hours parked at the airport. An endless flight to Munich, Germany wherein my rt eardrum exploded 3 times ... ergo, I got zilcho sleep. We landed in the middle of a freak spring snowstorm, found our hotel, toured the city for a bit ... and then we found the Hofbrau Haus ... THE drinking hall of the world. So there I am. A little ill, wounded, shy a pint of blood, jetlagged, been up for 36 hours ... and I start to chuck back the black brew. My dad says I drank like 10 liters of this powerful black beer that was as dark as Guinness. I was roasted and ended up at this table of Italians who were more roasted than I was and singing footie war chants. I barely made it back to the hotel. That night I tried to do a Jimi Hendrix while I slept. My brother dragged my butt into the shower and let the water pound me for about an hour. By dawn, I was in pure alcohol poisoning hell and as green as a hedge. I missed that days activities and was fairly unsteady until the following days brekkie. I should have known better.
Ok my 21st birthday bash. Two good friends of mine had their birthdays the day before and the day after mine, respectively so we all had kegs in our honor. In my hometown the parties are generally out in the woods. This one was at the base of a mountain way the hell out in the middle of nowhere..There were about two hundred people there, most of which i knew and i was having a grand ol time getting sloshed out of my mind! I'm sure i had at least thirty drinks that night along with some other stuff. At about midnight i remember barely being on the brink of consciousness and hopping into a car with a bunch of folks and i didn't have the slightest clue who they were. Then i remember telling them to drop me off ten miles from town(i lived in town). Next thing i know i'm hitchiking in pitch black wilderness and some truck stops and it happens to be my best friend. He piicks me up and asks where i'm going so i tell him i'm going home. Then he tries to convince me i'm hitchiking the wrong way. I say "bullshit you're fucking with me let me out here". So he drops me off and now i'm even farther off into no mans land. The rest i don't remember, my brother told me. So i'm wandering along this desolate road and i happen to stumble upon a house and what do i see but this hot little chick standing out front looking at me.So she yells over at me "Hey Perry". Turns out it was some girl i knew from highschool who was a freshmen when i was a senior.
From there i cordially invited myself into her fathers house where i plopped down on the couch and attempted to get some zzz's. Luckely when her dad came out of the bedroom and told me to leave she was there to keep him from breaking any blunt objects over my head when i told him i wasn't going anywhere. She calls my little brother who arrives an hour later and attempts to wake me by throwing me over his shoulder to which i replied by elbowing him in the face to which he replied by throwing me in the back of the truck. Some time around 4:30 the next morning i awoke and climbed out of the truck and into bed. Really glad i don't remember this one. I might feel a tad ashamed if i did.
i keep thinking i learn from my mistakes and then i go fecking things up betterer than ever before. like with writing and spelling and whatnot.
- sing like i was giving a concert, and a friend videotaped it.
- almost fucking a girl (the shrimp) in front of a bunch of people in a party, a friend told me: "c'mon man, she's all drunk" to which i replied "what the hell? so am i"
ris said:
no wonder i didn't make your 3 roomies list - you didn't fancy a trip to a&e :D

/me makes a mental note... "Invite Nick, Paul, and Justin up to Manchester... soon."

HeXp£Øi± said:
You just haven't lived until you've had to cling to the grass to keep from falling off the the face of the earth.

:lol: I know that feeling!! Let's see ... I haven't done anything I'm embarassed about ...

Leslie, you're my idol :worship:
new years night 1997, got sooo drunk off Rum and Beer. Continued to drink till the morning, fell down on the DJ system we were supposed to be dismantling and caused over 2000 quids worth damage, lucky insurance covered it :retard:
Well, since I posted my hospitalisation in the other thread, I'll had to dig a bit to recall this gem.

Sitting in the Band Ring (student lounge) at college, after spending the morning at Sudsies, playing cards. Make a comment about the impressive breasts on the 6'+ amazon sitting opposite.

Spend the next several minutes trying to comprehend that what I'm looking at straight ahead is the ceiling and I'm flat on my back, some 8 feet from the table. Still holding my cards, tho.

Oddly enough, when I saw her later, after much sobering up, she appologized, and asked me out. Seems she was a bit sensitive about her size, and thought I was making fun of her. While I was recovering, someone else had mentionned to her that I was drunk again, and she put two and one together and came up with the idea that I'd complimented her.

Great girl. Finally had to break it off with her when she beat the living tar out of a guy defending me. Poor asshole looked like a racoon.
Another one was when i cheated my girl while i was drunk, worst thing is i cheated my girl in front of one of my best friends who also happens to be the brother of the cheating girl.

Alcohol + girls = not good.
Ok, almost forgot about this one, Senior Prom, girl had to be home by 2, so dropped her off and went to a party. Got shitfaced and slept with a girl I had previously sworn I would never sleep with. Next day at school she thinks I'm her new boyfriend. Lost my girlfriend, dumped the skank from the party, didn't get another girl for a few months cause the word got around what a cheating scumbag I was.
Made out with a good friend of mine who had (and still has because she doesn't know) a gf. In all fairness though he started it (but I am also to blame cause I didn't stop it)...

Told a friend of mine (who I found out a couple weeks later is so interested in me that he would give up a lifetime supply of pot to be with be and he is a regular smoker...) that I wanted him and I was grabbing his ass and being posessive of him all while my bf sat and watched (luckily my bf is cool and doesn't mind)...
Most embarassing event in my life that I didn't cause was when my friends tied me to a tree. Naked. Most of you already know of that, but for those that don't, we had a little party of sorts. Only us three guys and three or four girls. I kissed one of the guys and he took it a bit personally. :retard4: So they attacked me and tied me to a tree naked... In front of the girls. :eh:

Most embarassing thing caused by my own stupidity? Oh hmm... When my friends, who didn't know me that well at that time (first year, new people, etc.) tricked me into kissing a gay guy who grabbed ME and started kissing me back in front of everyone... That was unsettling.

Switching the cold and warm water taps in the shower at camp...

Getting tied to a tree as target for my friends to shoot at with their BB guns... :rolleyes:

Kissing the guy in the shower... (That was stupid, I'd not do it again if the same would result [all the naked guys falling down, slipping, etc.])

Three of my friends 'kidnapped' me for a night... Scared the shit out of me. :retard4:

EDIT: spelling. grr
^^I'd really think you would take notice of some of these events. They really are quite telling.