Ok... let's take this getting loaded thing one step further.

ohh, i remember another one, i was riding a bicycle, and some girls looked at me, you know they liked me, i noticed and tried to impress them, next moment i was in the floor because i could not control the bicycle. the girls laughed at me :(
ooooh! That hurts(your ego more than anything). I think most of us have walked into a light pole at least once due to extended periods of gawking at the opposite(or same) sex.
ooooh! That hurts(your ego more than anything). I think most of us have walked into a light pole at least once due to extended periods of gawking at the opposite(or same) sex.

how'd you know? :D
this story isnt actually a bad story, i just feel like writing down cause as fucking insane as i am, i dont really drink so i dont know what i do thats exciting but everything i do is exciting .. you know what i mean? :s

ok first stupid story:
I was replying to this thread about steak and my intro made about as much sense as a baboon mating with a cockroach

Ok this summer i lived off of steak,
concentrated juice and chips
i was hungry so i had been maranading steak overnight .. about 4am .. try to turn on the BBQ .. fuck, lsparkers dead .. no lighters or matches in the house >.< ok i'll bike down to the store (5minute bike) in my PJ's .. hey, i need a lighter please "I cant sell you that you'll use it to smoke" :grumpy: (STUPID BITCH, btw this store didnt have any problem with mebuying blunt rolls(not that i did)) so i bought a lighter off an underaged smoker outside the store go back to house .. fuck its out of propane.. its not the sparker .. well we have no propane .. ok! off to my dads house! biking, in my PJ's(boxers and a tshirt) carrying a steaks .. extra maranade, the lighter and a can of juice(i dont fall once!)
get there, 6:00am make my steak eat my steak.. fall asleep on his deck! he finds me and just laughs

i make good steak
Oh you want me to tell you about THAT party eh?

OK, I was 20 and I was taking anti-depressants at the time (my uncle had died and I was suffering from anxiety and stress). Anyway, I'm on my way to bed early and take 50 mgs of the ad. 15 minutes later my sis turns up and says I'm going to her end of block party and not to be a spoil-sport, so like a pratt I agree. When we get there she offers to get me a drink but I say no. she persuades me that one won't hurt. Famous last words! :rolleyes:

She comes back with a half-pint glass of almost neat vodka (someone forgot the mixers). About 15 minutes later I'm feeling happy and ask her to get me another, so she hands me hers (nearly full) and goes off to get one... while she's away I drink hers! ... she comes back pissed at me for finishing her drink, goes to get another... by the time she's back mine has gone... I beg her to get me another ... disgruntled she agrees and hands me hers - silly girl!.... repeat scenario! :lol:

When I've finished mine she refuses to get me another so I stagger to the kitchen leaning against the wall and help myself to another half-pint of whatever is on the counter, then have another. Wander back to the hall and sit down next to the munchies and start tucking in to snacks and pickled onions. Keep pestering Moira's friend Bernie (gay), insist I'm NOT drunk and sing along loudly to the music - earplugs folks! :rofl3:

About 15 minutes later the booze and pickled onions decide that they don't like each other and I feel VERY sick. Bernie and Moira help me to the front door (loo is upstairs - no way!) I throw up on the lawn. They decide to try and sober me up and take me for a walk/stagger... leave me hanging round a lamp-post singing as they go to help someone else (NB: very drunk party - half the guests crash out!) I decide to go to sleep on the lawn, next thing I know my sister's friend Ann and her are bundling me into her car - I throw up in the car on the way home! They get me undressed and put me to bed when I passed out. From start to finish approximately 1 1/2 hours. End of story - don't ask about the hangover!

Result: Even the smell of booze made me want to puke and I didn't touch another drop for the next 18 months and when I did it was in moderation.... I have NEVER been that drunk since!

I also threw the pills in the bin!
I think if I hadn't thrown up I would have been in serious trouble from alcohol poisoning considering I'd drunk about 3 pints of almost neat spirits in about 1 1/2 hours. I was sparko from about 11 pm till about 3 pm the next day as it was.
When I was 16, I started hanging out with a group of older kids and thus, started drinking with them too.

I went out with one of them for a few months, and we had just broken up. I was down about that and then he was going to his senior prom with someone else so my friend Jim and I paid someone to buy us a 6 pack, went to the park and drank it and paid someone else for another 6 pack... and so it goes.

We decided we needed to walk it off a bit and left the park. As we're crossing the street, Jim sees a car coming and says, "It's a cop!! Run!" We run to a gas station across the street and I'm looking at the ground as I'm running and I hear Jim say, "Quick! Turn the corner!" I look up, see a dumpster in front of me and the corner on my right and look back down.

Next thing I know, I'm on my back looking up at Jim's concerned face. He helped me sit up and I asked him what happened. He said I fell but won't say anything else and he's still staring at me. So he helps me to my feet and he says, "We have to get you cleaned up. Where are we?" I look around and realize we're on the ex-boyfriend's street. So we start walking towards his house.

After a while, I can't read the street signs anymore and I can't figure out why. We pass a house that's having a party and this guy who is probably as drunk as we are says, "Whoa! What the fuck happened to HER?!" and Jim says, "Can you drive us to our friend's house?" so we get in this stranger's car and he drives us a few blocks to the ex's house.

The ex's aunt, who is a nurse, just so happens to be there and starts 'cleaning me up'. I still don't know what's really wrong with me. Jim decides he's going to call my parents and tell them they're taking me to the hospital. His way of telling my Mom this is, "Uh, Tricia kinda cracked her head open and we're taking her to the hospital." I could hear her screaming over the phone from across the room.

Anyway, we got there and I was starting to sober up and I noticed there was blood all over me. I couldn't see out of one eye because my head was bleeding into it. They shaved two patches of my head and gave me 12 stitches. Besides that and a few scrapes on my legs, I was fine for someone who ran head first into a dumpster.

Dad was more drunk than I was so he really didn't notice much and my Mom told me she wouldn't tell him but that I was grounded. :shrug:
Running full speed with my eyes closed until I collided with the tail end of a parked tractor trailer.

White water rafting in the canal in downtown Akron on a Little Mermaid raft.

Launching Roman Candles into the neighbors window during a 4th of July fireworks battle and later trying to blow up a Rubbermaid trash can with an M300. Got hit in the corner of my eye with a piece of shrapnel and couldn't open it for a week.

Playing hockey in a basement with mops and brooms with the lights out.
High School Prom night...
Hmmm....well, sitting at a table with 2 buddies...this table was supposed to be for 10 people...so 3 bottles of wine on the table.

1 guy doesn't drink
1 guy has one glass
I finish the rest...THEN

I hit the dance floor and start homing in on a girl who liked me, but who (prior to the wine), I couldn't give a shit about.

Danced wtih her for two dances and made a few semi-lude advances... 1 kiss and then I turned around to go get her a drink...walked to my table and past it (having forgotten all about her) **Stupid....he father owned a yacht and she'd offered me a trip on it, and on her the following night**

So much for that.

Ambled towards the hotel exit ...stopping only to insult a teacher ...I got into a taxi with a bunch of other students (Not from ym school, but having their grad night at the same hotel) and ended up at the Vieux Munich...a german oom-pah-pah bar with real tuba players and everything. Paid huge amounts of money for a green felt hat with a feather and went to the second floor with my new-found friends.

Sat next to a guy who'd order a pitcher, drink one glass...declare the pitcher too warm and order another. Myself and two others finished his pitchers free. :)

Now....CONTEXT: This bar had two floors...the top one was more of a large balcony with a hole in the middle...so everyone could see the oom-pah-pah band playing (Stage in the middle).
One of my buddies got tossed from the bar for toking on a joint... a second, for asking the bouncer for his joint back...one girl for pouring a pitcher onto a waiter's head (1st floor) to get his attention...'cause we wanted more beer. I got tossed out for throwing bits of those giant prezels on the band (while trying to get it into the tuba's opening).

Outside...fresh air...good place to puke.
Much better....get into another taxi that...gets this...heads miraculously to the hotel where my grad is. **Despite being another new bunch of people**

Back to the party...the only people left over are the teachers. Most students are upstairs (did I mention that this was a hotel on grad night?).

I Finish off other people's wine glasses until a teacher (Mrs.Kinach) tries to stop me....I seem to remember making some comment about her breasts (very nice BTW) and then leaving.

Called Dad for a pickup...fell asleep in the car, fell asleep again at home, on the can, puked twice and woke up the next day sometime.

Kinach's tits nice? Maybe if you've a runny nose.

Shoulda come with me, dude. The sunrise from the mountain was awesome.