High School Prom night...
Hmmm....well, sitting at a table with 2 buddies...this table was supposed to be for 10 people...so 3 bottles of wine on the table.
1 guy doesn't drink
1 guy has one glass
I finish the rest...THEN
I hit the dance floor and start homing in on a girl who liked me, but who (prior to the wine), I couldn't give a shit about.
Danced wtih her for two dances and made a few semi-lude advances... 1 kiss and then I turned around to go get her a drink...walked to my table and past it (having forgotten all about her) **Stupid....he father owned a yacht and she'd offered me a trip on it, and on her the following night**
So much for that.
Ambled towards the hotel exit ...stopping only to insult a teacher ...I got into a taxi with a bunch of other students (Not from ym school, but having their grad night at the same hotel) and ended up at the Vieux Munich...a german oom-pah-pah bar with real tuba players and everything. Paid huge amounts of money for a green felt hat with a feather and went to the second floor with my new-found friends.
Sat next to a guy who'd order a pitcher, drink one glass...declare the pitcher too warm and order another. Myself and two others finished his pitchers free.
Now....CONTEXT: This bar had two floors...the top one was more of a large balcony with a hole in the middle...so everyone could see the oom-pah-pah band playing (Stage in the middle).
One of my buddies got tossed from the bar for toking on a joint... a second, for asking the bouncer for his joint back...one girl for pouring a pitcher onto a waiter's head (1st floor) to get his attention...'cause we wanted more beer. I got tossed out for throwing bits of those giant prezels on the band (while trying to get it into the tuba's opening).
Outside...fresh air...good place to puke.
Much better....get into another taxi that...gets this...heads miraculously to the hotel where my grad is. **Despite being another new bunch of people**
Back to the party...the only people left over are the teachers. Most students are upstairs (did I mention that this was a hotel on grad night?).
I Finish off other people's wine glasses until a teacher (Mrs.Kinach) tries to stop me....I seem to remember making some comment about her breasts (very nice BTW) and then leaving.
Called Dad for a pickup...fell asleep in the car, fell asleep again at home, on the can, puked twice and woke up the next day sometime.