OK you hardware freaks get in here...

What problems are you having? Or why do you think your cpu is faulty?
To begin with the programs kept freezing. Then I started getting messages on startup to say there wasn't enough virtual memory for windows to boot, so I would reboot and sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldn't. Finally it won't turn at all, it's completely dead.

I've tested all the sd-ram sticks in my other computer using memtest running it for over an hour for each one individually which according to the blurb will show up most problems and they all check out ok. I'm going to install the processor shortly and see if that works. Then the only thing thats left to test is the motherboard itself. I was just wondering if the cpu could have caused the problem.
When you say won't turn on at all, no power? No fans or nothing?

I'd check the power supply first.
The strange thing is I have 2 pcs doing this with the virtual memory and the second one only did it after I tried it's memory on the other board. I thought of a possible virus but both computers have avg6 installed which tests the boot sector for viruses on startup and are fully up to date with their definitions and nothing has shown up there.

Both cpus are secondhand btw. I'll check the power supply as well, I have a 300W spare.

It's possible that with one it's a hardware conflict.. the board is an ABit SE6 which originally only took celerons up to 733mhz, but I flashed it with the newest BIOS and it should take them up tp 1ghz... the one I put in is 900mhz. It does work, but freezes from time to time... possibly needs some more or different memory anyway... it has 128mb PC100 SD-Ram (2x 64mb)... it will take PC133 but only takes single-sided ram, so only 2 of the other sticks work in it... it didn't seem to make a difference trying them in it though. :(
Well, it doesn't appear to be the cpu... it's running quite happily on my second computers mobo... same mobo as it was on.... and the lights come on on the board so it looks like the power supply is working and I did try the other one the other day with the same result... that leaves the mobo... looks like it's kaput.

Anyway... I already bought a new(OEM) KT7A v1.3 off eBay earlier for just under £30 with postage... it'll be here Monday. I was just testing everything to see if anything else needed replacing really, but everything else seems fine. The v1.3 will take an XP cpu with the latest BIOS update which I downloaded earlier. So I can use my overclocked Axia stepping 1 ghz tbird or buy a new 2000+ to put in it instead. I was rather hoping the cpu would be kaput so i could justify it more easily.

I shall leave this cpu and memory on this board as it will be going into Katie's computer when I get the other mobo... that way it'll get a good test run as well.

So basically I just have to sort out the celeron now. Ho hum...
Take out all the cards and see if the problem continues. Apart from that, you've already done everything I could think of. Might try emailing Abit.
Have you tried resetting your CMOS and BIOS settings? It worked for me when i had a similar problem.
Mirlyn said:
Take out all the cards and see if the problem continues. Apart from that, you've already done everything I could think of. Might try emailing Abit.
I already did that, but it has to keep the video card as there are no onboard graphics... if i can get it working ok again i'll put it in my nieces computer. I hate celerons and pentiums..

Then I've got an excuse to buy a nice little XP for the v1.3 mobo... :D

What are the palominos like? Don't they run cooler or something...
It really sounds like ram. The thing to remember about ram is, if it's faulty, it's not necessarily going to be faulty all of the time. It might pass some comprehensive tests and still be faulty. If the machine is using DMA then the chances that the cpu are what's causing virtual memory errors are minimal imo. It's more likely to to be the mb than the cpu imo but again, it sounds like the memory.
Aunty Em said:
I will if I can get it going...
It is possible to do a hardware reset using jumpers. The computer doesn't even have to be turned on. Check your motherboard manual for the details.
Have you tried throwing it out the window and swearing at it and making a scene?...that helps me...otherwise i am tapped out of ideas.
HeXp£Øi± said:
It really sounds like ram. The thing to remember about ram is, if it's faulty, it's not necessarily going to be faulty all of the time. It might pass some comprehensive tests and still be faulty. If the machine is using DMA then the chances that the cpu are what's causing virtual memory errors are minimal imo. It's more likely to to be the mb than the cpu imo but again, it sounds like the memory.

Note that virtual memory is not RAM. Virtual mamory exists on the hard disk and supplements RAM. Linux geeks call it a swapfile. Have you checked the hard disk? Has someone changed your virtual memeory settings? When was the last time you scanned or defragged?
chcr said:
Note that virtual memory is not RAM. Virtual mamory exists on the hard disk and supplements RAM. Linux geeks call it a swapfile. Have you checked the hard disk? Has someone changed your virtual memeory settings? When was the last time you scanned or defragged?

I would think that goes without saying. Information from Virtual memory is however, often transferred directly to the ram for faster execution. Good point though CH, might want to run a disk checking utility.
Can I run ok without it? I could ty it on my nieces amchine and see what happens.

When I began sorting out her computer I turned and off and restarted then turned it back on a couple of times to try to clear any corrupt data... and then I set the size and it seemed to work better, but I've had the machine disconnected while I've been working n Katie's so I don't yet know how it's behaving at the moment... I'll hook it back up after I've finished with her's. I have changed the harddrives so it's possibly related to that.

That Acorp mobo I got the other day and returned for RMA was faulty and they have refunded my money, I'm just waiting for it to appear in my bank account again. I just knew it wasn't me...
How much ram do I need? That one's only got 128mb of PC100 but will take PC133. If it's gonna solve the problem I'll order some today.

All the ram and cpu from Katie's computer check out ok... I've been running them all night on memtest with no errors.