Okay, enough already.


New Member
I'm ready to act mature now. I'd like it if you guys would leave the past in the behind and not hold that against me forever. I'd like to act like a regular member but I can't if you guys don't get off my case.

Let's be cool, aight? Serious. :cool:
3rd time i heard that now, one dosent' act mature, one has to be mature in the first place, sorry, don't buy it.

You don't have to buy into anything. Just say that you'll treat me like a normal member from now on as long as I act like a normal member.
No, it's not that simple. People hate me, and they will continue to treat me like shit for a month or more, even if I act normal. I want to make a truce.
You have to earn such trust. It isn't laid at your feet on demand. Your rep is tarnished at this point. Only time and honest change will sway anyone. Once you start acting civil the incidents of people digging at you will will start to dwindle. Time will erase the memories and ill will... but you have to be the one to start.
I am not asking for trust. I am simply asking that you refrain from attacking me in the future because of past events, if I am behaving.
I would also like to respectfully ask that the "Should SB leave OTC?" thread be locked, since it is unceccessary and has pretty much turned into personal attacks.

You have to earn such trust. It isn't laid at your feet on demand. Your rep is tarnished at this point. Only time and honest change will sway anyone. Once you start acting civil the incidents of people digging at you will will start to dwindle. Time will erase the memories and ill will... but you have to be the one to start.

Agreed. I won't partake in name calling and such sbcanada, but I did miss a whole lot of thing here the went on while I was away. If you want resepect again, it's probably best you maintain a relatively low profile for a while and let this all blow over.
Why do I feel like sb is being bad mouthed....cuz you all say he is immature...but then you go and stoop to his level and act just as immature.....if you don't like what he says or does ignore him....it's not that hard.... oh well my two bits aren't that important....no one listens to the crack out kitty anyway
I hate everybody...lol, mods & admin are stuck up morons.

I love unclehobart though... in a non gay way of course.[/siz]