Old goat thread

I dunno about ch, but where I'm from there's quite a few steps between his 1 and 2...

Well of course you have to butcher it. I thought that went without saying. Ever cook a whole one (note to those that don't know: you still have to butcher it)? I've done a javelina but not a hog. If you want to marinate, that would fall under personal preference.

Why do I get the feeling that I am the only one amongst us who has ever actually killed a hog?

Wrong, but thanks for playing. :D You do know that I was born and raised on a farm? I don't do it anymore, growing up on a farm taught me an important lesson. I do not want to be a farmer.
Ditto that. Rewarding, but the fringe benefits suck.

I've helped do a few on a spit. Lotta work but tastes damn fine.

Inky, you raise hogs to kill. Most farmers that catch you "hunting" their hogs will be spending the following day hiding your body.
Interesting though, how the thread went from looking up wimmenz's skirts to eating. Fruedian thing, no doubt.
It's to be expected. Usually, threads go from food to sex, so this is just the same in reverse.
duck, quail, dove & turkey too.

I never learned to properly cut up big critters...I'd like to learn.
If it earns me any brownie points I have been present during hog butchering and have stood pig watch while roasting a whole pig.
Actually, I'm nipping out to Quiznos for lunch today. Trying to decide between the tuscan chicken and the black angus beef, and wether to get a 12", or a 6" and a cup of chile.
Split the diff and went with the 9" angus. I'm getting the feeling that the woman at the cash there might have the hots for me. She just introduced me to her rather hot teenaged (legal? Maybe) daughter.

I really need to get my wedding ring back from the missus.