
This is ridiculous, and yes Gato brought it to my attention.

Fox News said:
MP3 Player Father Bought at Wal-Mart for Daughter, 10, Was Preloaded With Porn

Friday, December 28, 2007

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. — A father gave his 10-year-old daughter a Christmas present that would make Santa blush.

Now Daryl Hill wants to know why an MP3 video player he bought at a Wal-Mart in Sparta was preloaded with pornography and explicit songs.

Hill bought three of the players as Christmas presents for his children. He said one of the devices had apparently been returned to the store from a previous owner who loaded sex clips and songs with lyrics about using drugs.

"Within 10 minutes, my daughter was crying," Hill said Thursday. "I wish I could take the thoughts and images out of her head."

Hill questioned why Wal-Mart Stores Inc. would sell used merchandise as new, which he said violates its own policies.

A company spokesman said in an e-mail to WSMV-TV of Nashville that stores are not supposed to return opened packages to the sales floor and that the matter was under investigation.

Hill said he declined Wal-Mart's offer to replace the MP3 player. He said he has already bought his daughter a new one and is hanging onto the controversial one until he talks to a lawyer.

On the surface, sure I see the father's outrage, but come on man! Should he really be able to get rich like he inevitably will off of this? The chances are she knows what sex is, and how it's done by now at very least, and has a pretty good idea about drugs too. This is truly a huge part of what's wrong with America, is that he can profit from this. There is an appropriate age for children to learn certain information, and if you want healthy aware children, children who don't become statistics, both of these issues should have been discussed to some extent by age ten. Greedy and PATHETIC is what this guy is.

If any punishment to Walmart is due, it is internal, for whoever made the decision to break policy and sell a used data storage device without checking it, and the person who handled it physically should be possibly prosecuted for a misdemeanor "negligence" type of charge for not checking what was on it before it went on the shelf again. NOBODY should profit from this NON ISSUE!
Should he really be able to get rich like he inevitably will off of this?

No. The store did nothing to intentionally harm him or his.

The chances are she knows what sex is, and how it's done by now at very least, and has a pretty good idea about drugs too.

She's 10. I doubt it. Perhaps an inkling of the mechanics but not porn stuff. Kids do not need to grow up that fast. Teaching children about biology & how shit works is one thing (we've taught ours all along). Telling them how to fellate is another. Teaching them how to roll a joint or set a rig is criminal.
Well Gonz I think you are out of touch with today's kid if you honestly believe she knows so little about sex. The rest about sex I am behind you 100%.

Drugs, I have no idea what she actually knows, but as far as what they are, what they do, and why they are so seductive, and what the risks of addiction are, I think if her parents truly cared and were responsible in their parenting, she should be well studied on ALL of those points by age 10, in fact I think that's just about the right age to make a deadline on that issue!

As for how drugs are ingested the only thing she needs to know about that, is how to spot it in others that aren't her.

I am very much interested in where you stand on this post though Gonz?
I have a 14 year old son. I can promise you the 10 year olds weren't sexual encyclopedias. They, like we, had general information. They also had crap their buddies older siblings told 'em (most of which was wrong or improperly stated).

Kids only ingest what is fed them. Don't feed them crap & they won't eat crap.

There are three things to know about drugs, when you're 10.
They are illegal.
The are stupid.
They are dangerous & will probably end up killing you.
About sex, well it's a matter of opinion....

About drugs, you don't know your head from your ass! Good luck when and if Junior becomes an Alcoholic or Addict and you find out I knew and you didn't because if he does, I guaranfuckintee you you'll wish you'd taken a lesson from one who knows. What you have given is part of the the formula for creating an addict!

What you described is what I was taught, with the only exception perhaps being moderation is important in all things, and that marijuana isn't the same as hard drugs. As for alcohol I was alowed sips and such early on and a whole beer or two in my post age 15, teen years on occasions (but no more than two ever). Look how well your theory turned out for me!
with the only exception perhaps being moderation is important in all things,

Had you been taught that there are some things in which even moderation is inexcusable, then perhaps you'd not be a speedfreak.

One of my brothers is in his third stint in jail because of meth. I've left girlfriends because of their drug use. I've been around it my whole life. (well, not so much the last decade or so).

There is no excuse. It is a choice. You (collective) choose to use drugs, I choose to walk away & avoid you like the plague.
Oh and BTW, had I been taught the way I think people should I doubt it would have mattered anyway, but I do know that if there is any way to prevent it, it's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing except the truth, so help you god!
The truth is:
They are illegal.
The are stupid.
They are dangerous & will probably end up killing you.
Had you been taught that there are some things in which even moderation is inexcusable, then perhaps you'd not be a speedfreak.

I know better....and every kid thinks he knows better.

What is your objection to a child knowing that drugs are fun? It's the truth, and he is gonna see that you are holding back or lying to him, as soon as he encounters people doing drugs. How will he feel when he finds out Dad's a liar and seemingly normal people are having high times, with evil drugs? Factor in that he is at the age at which he really knows nothing, but is sure he knows everything. All this combined and what you've got is a pot of gasoline slowly boiling over an open flame!

Jesus, this discussion makes me ponder your IQ (for the first time ever). It also makes me suspect you are or were a potential Alcoholic at very least. And no, if you know your IQ, I don't care to know, because I am not sure it's relevant to the discussion anyway.
I fully appreciate you know well a lot about addiction, but this is one area, I feel it's almost impossible to fully understand unless you have become an addict and then gotten and been in true recovery for a while. If you yourself are an alcoholic, and there is no evidence on that either way that's been given on this board that I know of, you will most likely NEVER be able to understand until you get some recovery from it.
Lemme guess. Somebody is defending drug use.

In the interest of decorum I will refrain from saying what I want to say so badly. I'll instead say that if there is any one person on here who has gone to great lengths to document what drugs have stolen from them it is mark. The fact that he still hasn't applied it 100% is astounding.

I put my hand on a hot stove eye once.


As to this story by itself, all I can say is...the buzzards are coming home to roost. People been laughing for decades about how you can return anything at WalMart. Anything. So they sucker you in and sucker you in and then when it bites you like it did this guy you wanna bitch. Write it off as a loss, calculate the cost of the mp3 player against all the broken shit you took back there and got refunded for, and go on about your business hopefully wise enough to stay the hell out of the place for good. If there is a nickel to be had, the Walton family will not stop until they get said nickel. Why anything they do surprises anyone, I mark up to stupidity and forget about it. As I have said before, when they run all the competition out of your town, see how low them prices are THEN. The WM in Rogersville TN sells the same identical item (don't they all?) for about 15% more than the one in Greeneville TN does, because Greeneville still has a KMart. Every dime you spend there will eventually cut your throat down the road, and you paid for it, so don't come whining to me when it happens.

But as usual, the sheep refuse to listen...
Mark, it's one thing knowing about sex, it's another seeing an exaggerated porn flick. When I was ten, I knew the basics of sex, but that was it. 'Course, it prolly wouldn't've caused me to cry. And it depends on the kid, I guess. I knew some that were HAVING sex at 10-11 years old.
Mark, it's one thing knowing about sex, it's another seeing an exaggerated porn flick. When I was ten, I knew the basics of sex, but that was it. 'Course, it prolly wouldn't've caused me to cry. And it depends on the kid, I guess. I knew some that were HAVING sex at 10-11 years old.

Well to me the sex part of it is a highly subjective debate I am not really all that interested in. Everyone may have a differing opinion and I've stated mine fairly clearly I think, that part is of little importance compared to the drugs part in my mind anyway.
I know better....and every kid thinks he knows better.
Yet we all don't do them.

What is your objection to a child knowing that drugs are fun?
Reading things into what I wrote?

How will he feel when he finds out Dad's a liar and seemingly normal people are having high times, with evil drugs?
No liar here. You are assuming a lot of things. He will think that they're morons & will never reach their full potential because thay fouled their body with unnecessary chemicals.

Jesus, this discussion makes me ponder your IQ (for the first time ever). It also makes me suspect you are or were a potential Alcoholic at very least. And no, if you know your IQ, I don't care to know, because I am not sure it's relevant to the discussion anyway.

Let me reflect. I would drink about 2 cases of beer a week while holding down a full time job for over a decade. Functional alcoholic would be my guess. Then, I got bored & quit.

Drugs, I had little use for.

FTR-I do think that pot should be legal. It is no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol.

Although, in all honesty, I do think that all drugs should be legal-it'll thin the herd.
Pops always told me "spend your dime locally".

It is intresting that the sex-value, or value of sex is again the defense.

2.5 million years of wisdom, ignored.
Lemme guess. Somebody is defending drug use.

Where you pulled that from is a complete mystery....Perhaps you didn't click on the show post thing enough times to understand the continuity of the thread? I know you have me on ignore and I am fine with that, because you don't play stupid passive aggressive taunting games and shout it to the world every time you get the chance and I respect that.

SouthernN'Proud said:
In the interest of decorum I will refrain from saying what I want to say so badly. I'll instead say that if there is any one person on here who has gone to great lengths to document what drugs have stolen from them it is mark. The fact that he still hasn't applied it 100% is astounding.

I put my hand on a hot stove eye once.

You don't know jack about me, unless I tell you about it, and even then misinterpretation is easy to do especially within written communication, and while I have some respect for your intelligence and experience, from what I know about you, IMO you are pretty much a complete jackass, :grinyes: and no job or set of life's experiences could qualify you to offer anything more than a somewhat educated wild guess about me and my recovery.

I also doubt you are very "good" at your job, which is a lousy one that nobody who was emotionally healthy would ever want in the first place IMHO. If you have been at it for any length of time I can pretty near guarantee you have "burned out" on it, but well that's just me making a somewhat educated wild guess about you. I am also offering an opinion, on a job, within a system I disagree with, almost, in it's entirety. Given the "way things are" you could well be great at your job. I know you are a hardass and thats essential in your line of work, that I know you probably excel at, but I also know that is but a small part of what is needed to be good at that job. Enough theorizing.

All that said, no job in life that I know of, requires, one to have had the problem, have recovered from it "the right way" (and there are more than one ways to achieve that I'll grant you), more than the job of an "addictions counselor". There are treatment centers that won't even hire non addicts and it's got sound reasoning behind it. I am not of the school that believes it is impossible to be good at that particular job, but I believe it to be damn near impossible.

If you are not an addict, or alcoholic in any way shape or form SnP, then I cannot expect you to have much true understanding about it, what it's like to be "me" or another like me, and I don't fault you at all for it. How could you be the one to teach me how not to continue to be what I was then though?

If you are a potential, or borderline alcoholic or addict, and you never did any therapy or something to "fix" the problem, then I can say with all honesty you most likely don't know your head from your ass on the matter either, no matter how much you see it in your line of work, no matter how much "experience" you have in the field, or in life itself.

I know I ass/u/me, a lot of things I don't know about people or at least seem to in discussions about this, but I have 100% percent faith in the truth of that statement. But remember, nothing is absolute, perhaps that nothing is absolute.

Oh wait I did just stumble on one other universal absolute, I have tried hard to like you SnP, in spite of politics, but I'll be damned if I can find it. :rofl: That said though, may the universe bless you with all the things I want for myself SnP, twofold even!
Mark, it's one thing knowing about sex, it's another seeing an exaggerated porn flick. When I was ten, I knew the basics of sex, but that was it. 'Course, it prolly wouldn't've caused me to cry. And it depends on the kid, I guess. I knew some that were HAVING sex at 10-11 years old.

Ok. :shrug:
I'm sure she was more traumatised by the sex than the songs about drugs, but ok. :shrug:
Pops always told me "spend your dime locally".

It is intresting that the sex-value, or value of sex is again the defense.

2.5 million years of wisdom, ignored.

Can I ask you to clarify what you are saying, please (re: sex-value)? I think I agree with you, but I'm not sure. :eh:
Illegal Drugs are bad, they will kill you, I've spent years caught up in them and by all means should be dead. clean for 98% of the last 10 years. I dont hold anyone to account for an addiction, its the choice of what they do once its on the table that I hold them too.

From a pharmacology view, they're still bad ....and good. Nicotine Caffine Sucrose are all problems I endure, specially the sucrose.

Kids ain't by no means dumb, they just don't know....while my girls have never seen 2girls1cup, they know the music and the content of the video, by that same token, they also clean the cat-box and understand that poo aint for eating or lovin'.

Gonz is right, what you feed them is what they know.....and if you don't feed it to them, someone else will eventually.

I say be the first to feed X to them aswell as the morals and all the good you can muster (read: ol skool, not fisting)