On Religion....(new thought)

Actually, as I said, I can appreciate your arguements...And I know as well as any that from time to time things get heated...I just tend to grow less interested once a thread becomes a pecker contest and looses its direction. Gonz and I have argued like we were aiming guns at each others head while simultaneously going back and forth in a humerous thread elsewhere...and it works well that way.
Squiggy said:
Actually, as I said, I can appreciate your arguements...And I know as well as any that from time to time things get heated...I just tend to grow less interested once a thread becomes a pecker contest and looses its direction. Gonz and I have argued like we were aiming guns at each others head while simultaneously going back and forth in a humerous thread elsewhere...and it works well that way.


I do the same thing...real intresting thread...turns into a fight. I loose intrested and stop reading...

Of course sometimes they are funny as hell. Espeically when the topic is good like arguing over which CPU is best or what routine is best for a Salt Water Coral tank. You can learn a shit load of good info JUST FROM READING threads like that (and I have done so).
No no! Im sure you could handle a Salt Water FO (fish only) or even a Fish only with a few inverts (crabs, shrimp, star fish and maybe a feather duster!)

The fish are stunning any way you look at it. Hopefully Ill get some pics up this weekend.

My tank is 1 year old. I have cheaper fish right now like yellow tangs, clowns, damsels, but I do have one beautiful bi-color Angel and 1 nice Flame Angel, and one $80.00 Marine beta.

Hard fish like full size angels most tangs etc are too big for my tank.

But When the yellow tang dies Im getting an auriga Butterfly ($69.00) and eventually a Fox Face rabbit fish ($45.00 poisionous) and a Lionfish (like Captain picard had) ($30-80 buks)

Word...start with the cheaper fish.....the first round I had expensive fish and a dammed (but beautiful) Powder Blue Tang got ick and I lost the whole tank.

Seriously if your intrested...I have some pointers for you.
Please...Don't tempt me...:D

Lion fish are fascinating. And I'd be a fool not to concede that marine fish are far more beautiful than freswater...But I have a soft spot for Discus....
Squiggy said:
Please...Don't tempt me...:D

Lion fish are fascinating. And I'd be a fool not to concede that marine fish are far more beautiful than freswater...But I have a soft spot for Discus....
Those are beautiful fish Squiggy! I have considered doing a freshwater setup - just haven't quite convinced myself that I am capable. :)
Thanks SB...freshwater requires a lot less equipment to maintain water quality..the chillers,wave generators, and such aren't required. So it comes down to just heat,filtration, and maintaining a balanced nitrogen cycle. Discus present a small challenge because they thrive better in low PH. (they're amazonian) But they are large and beautiful and have a wonderful disposition. ;)
AE, before you start trying to "turn things back on anyone", you should try using a bit of logic first yourself to make sure you don't make yourself look like a fool. ;)

AE said:
if a person has anything profound to say why the hell do it at all unless you can reach a very high portion of the population???

Its just a waste of time I guess.

According to that logic, nothing ever said here on OTC has any real value because it doesnt reach many people.

The problem is your perspective. You started this thread by hailing Start Trek as a purveyor of profound philosophies.

My comment was simple. The critical thing about great philosophy is in its unspokenness. You don't NEED to reach vast numbers of people because great philosophy will seem so natural that it will be passed on almost autonomously - it'll spread through the population without anyone really trying to make it do so.
That will never happen with Star Trek. The proof is this very thread: that's precisely what you tried to do, and look what happened - nothing but ridicule. By bundling it up in that Sci-Fi geek show, they effectively kill off any chance they had of being taken seriously (especially since they're merely prattling off what thousands before them have preached). The low exposure is simply a further handicap.

Their philosophy vehicle is simply not powerful enough to pull the car. Therefore the mechanic needs to be fired, regardless of the skill of the driver or size of the gas tank.

A perfect corollary to consider would be the Jerry Springer show. He has an enormous viewer base, and he too tries to insert little bits of profoundity at the end of his shows - can he be considered a revolutionary philosopher? I doubt it. He screwed up because, due to the nature of the show, the people to whom he is speaking are generally the bottom-of-the-intellectual-ladder-type who wouldn't recognise profound thought if they had their heads shoved up its arse. Your writers screwed up because, due to the nature of the show, their viewers are not socially respected.

If you tried your "hey, you should check out this ______ (insert desired media here)____, it has profound philosophies", with say, a book, or a film, you would most likely be met with a much warmer response. Even "internet page" would be somewhat successful, though obviously still limited.

Speaking of internet pages, that brings me to your "attempt" at "turning it back on me". :rolleyes: You've missed there a critical characteristic, and that is that my posts AREN'T my attempts at enlightening the world. I very rarely start threads - the vast majority of my posts are ones that pull wholes in the ideas of others. In that respect, Squiggy is correct in noting that my posts reach 100% of those that they need to, and in fact reach all to whom they would be of any use. If I wanted MY ideas to have on effect on the world, then quite plainly I would not start by posting on an Internet site.

Let's imagine, though, for arugment's sake, that I DID post an enlightening thread on this site. Let's imagine that everyone on this site read it, and felt inspired. Then what happens? Those people pass my thought on to their friends, who pass it to other friends.. maybe they slap it in an e-mail.. sooner or later the whole world has at least read it. If my thought wasn't worth the time of day, it wouldn't get any further than this forum. But it least it would have a CHANCE. It would however be retarded of me to do that, if my aim was to reach the world.

If, of course, you want to argue that Gene & Rick's only aim was to enlighten Star Trek fans.. well that's fine. But then they're retards for being so limited in their outlook. ;) Just as I would be a retard if my only aim was to enlighten OTC forum readers.

AlladinSane said:
So in your logic if I have a good idea with an interesting political view I want to share, to put in a movie, I better not make it I'm unable to do it in the Hollywood industry? Because if I do it in the independant circuit it won't be seen by a substancial number of people?

As noted above, movies are a much more viable mode of conveyance of ideas. And in fact, as Independant movies are, at least in principle, more associated with free ideas, and Hollywood tends to deal more in time-filling for the mindless masses, your idea would likely be BETTER received in the independant industry. If it's an eye-opening idea, word will get round, and your film will get seen by enough to make a difference.

It's hard to see this sort of renown ever making its way into a Star Trek episode. Hmmm?
MrBishop said:
A13...speachless...purely speachless. :bow:

Good points a13!

Of course IM not as speechless as Bish. I KNEW YOU had it in you!

You made one fatal flaw though.

Just because you are not a fan (and perhaps you personally dont know any) doesnt mean that this hasnt reached the intended audience nor does it mean it hasnt reached even a broader audience than fans of star trek.

Nor does the "ridicule" in a single thread on a very low traffic discussion board serve as an indicator of generalized response to some of these thoughts.

Also the medium of "sci-fi geek" has absolutely no measure of predictibility of reciept. Many of the most profound shows and thoughts ever to be put into media have come from Sci-fi . (Once again...just because it didnt influence your miniscule sphere of freinds influences or taste is no indicator real penetration into the psyche of people.)

Look that the influences on pop culture from Planet of the Apes, 2001 space odyessy, star wars has had on society. And its not just the "pop culture" its also many of the root philosophies, storylines, and ways of thinking that have penetrated deeply into thousands of people . Many of those same issues have had additional influences on other movies (everything from comedy spoofs to non-scifi fiction works).

In summary just because YOU dont believe it was significant, and just because YOU dont think it would be taken seriously, and just because YOU dont know many people who feel this way has;

EXACTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REALITY of its successful audience penetration and generall influcence on a society at large.

You are but one small person in a sea of millions. Many of those millions would disagree with your entire premise and argument. You are welcome to your opinion, but I completely disagree with your intrepretation of its value, and I dont think "A13s" opinion (on some discussion board some where) is going to suddenly by some act of magic delete all of those fans, influences, and spin offs, wann bes, and philosophies.

Instead, you should check the statstics on Star trek ratings (original series ratings sucked but all since then have been fairly successful even with penetration into a fan base of viewers who were not traditionally "sci-fi" fans) , movies, spin offs, magazines, and contribution of some story lines and philosophies into other media such as books.

I think you would be surprised just what an influence it did have.

Lastly, I never meant for this to turn into a discussion about the best medium for reaching the most people.

I know that some of the theories do spread by themselves..most are self-evident with no need to spread in the first place.

Star trek simply serves as a good reminder. It did for ME, and that is all I was saying, when you made your "retard" comment about Rick and Gene.
AnomalousEntity said:
Just because you are not a fan (and perhaps you personally dont know any) doesnt mean that this hasnt reached the intended audience nor does it mean it hasnt reached even a broader audience than fans of star trek.

Well, that's all very well but then I could just as easily point out that your BEING a fan doesn't mean that it HAS reached a broader audience than the fans of Star Trek. Just because in YOUR miniscule circle of friends everybody may enjoy Star Trek, doens't mean that that applies for everyone else's friends, too.. in fact one could well argue that if all your friends enjoy Star Trek, it's probably they're the only other people you could find who'd be friends with a Trekkie.. ;) I'm exaggerating, obvisouly, but you get the idea.

And, with that in mind, one could quite legitimately claim that your view of the reach of Star Trek is much more biased than most, since an abnormally high proportion (relative to the population) of your friends enjoy the show. Obviously neither of us can claim 100% objectivity, but again the simple example of this thread - an internet discussion board is probably one of the more likely places to find a stronger-than-average dedication to the show, yet you have found very little consolidation - suggests that the true figure is probably much closer to my ball-park than it is to yours.

So far, the numbers aren't looking too hot..
SexyBoo said:
Those are beautiful fish Squiggy! I have considered doing a freshwater setup - just haven't quite convinced myself that I am capable. :)

Please If I can keep salt alive anyone can keep a fish.

By the way, the Royal Gramma is doing well now. Beginning to eat, and swim around the tank more without being assaulted by the damsels much.

Looking good.

The tank is getting that "full of fish" look that I have been going for while still maintaining a good balance.

I didnt get the pics up yet (sorry).

I have to do weekly 10 Gallon water changes and I think I could shoe horn in more fish with the 10gal/week water change routine but I think Im about at capacity for behavioral reasons. The other fish beat the shit out of the Royal and I didnt know if he would make it...surely a butterfly would get his ass handed to him and a mandarin would starve.

Hell a lion is about the only thing tough enough to put in there.....

Hmmm. I may have to commence with operation Damsel assassine.
Squiggy said:
10 gallons /week? I had to change that nightly in each of four 40 gallon tanks...:D

Damm thats a 25% a day water change...what the hell do you have in those?

Most recommends range from 10-20% water change a week (depending on the live stock and carryign capacity) of the tank

Crap If I was willing to do 10G a night I could keep about twice as many fish as I have now with no problems at all.

My stock:
1 Marine Beta
1 Yellow Tang
1 Maroon Clown
2 Yellow tail damsels
1 Bicolor dwarf angel
1 Flame dwarf angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Scarlet cleaner shrimp
1 Purple brittle starfish

And Im pushing the hell out of the system at that. But its only a 65 G and it runs a protein skimmer rated for a 300G tank and has a Canister filter rated for a 100G tank plus about 60lbs of liver rock and a 4inch deep sand bed.

Again, if I do more water changes I think I could shoe horn in more.

Be-ware though. Once a tank is overstocked you are either going to run into serious territorial issues or your going to be in deep shit if there is ever an extended power outage (can you say sacrifice several of your fish in order to prevent a low o2 saturation from killing the whole tank :crying4: )??????
You two are nuts!

I have a hard enough time keeping my freshwater fish alive without having to change the water more than once/month.

Mind you, it's only 30 gallons and although it's populated with some nice individual fish (8" red-tailed shark), it's hardly the colonies and meccas that you two seem to have.