On Religion....(new thought)


New Member
Some of you know that I am a huge star trek fan. I find the hidden meanings in some of the episode...extremely profound. There has been much argument around here about if religion is true, a nice "guide" or somthing only for the weak minded. Now that we are in the age of science, there is much to doubt for all religions.
There is also somthing to believe for all religions (almost).

I got this from an episode tonight.

"His (substitue "His" for "The" for some religions ) words have kept us together for thousands of years.

He is what has made us who we are.

If his wisdom were true and his philosophies honorable....

What does it matter if the man was real?

What does it matter if he is coming back?

What is important is that we follow his teachings....

Perhaps the words are more important than the man?"
id say so. to me all religions are based in mythology. but the myths can have some good morals to live by. it doesnt matter if the person was real it doesnt matter if the stories are but its whats in peoples hearts and minds.
I think the point is...does it matter? They are a good set of laws/rules/guidelines to follow.
I won't start the argument about how good a set of rules they are (totally ambiguous, IMO) but it's a work of fiction. Hidden meanings? Sure, both concious and unconcious. Evidence for religion? In my view you'd be using a work of fiction to support a work of fiction (which bible thumpers do constantly) and make it seem true.

BTW, AE, I've been hearing noise about the religious connotations of Star Trek (I'm a huge fan myself. When I was a kid and TOS first came on, I had special permission to stay up late on Thursday nights and watch it.:D) for years and years. Both pro and con. My personal view based on my personal faith, is that it's all bullshit. I don't say this to denigrate you, AE. I say this from a deep and incontrovertible faith that all religion is bullshit.
Dont worry about offending me. I wont take up an argument with you over this.

From one Star Trek fan to another.

Its not just religion. So many episodes about racism, hate, revenge, interference, respecting different peoples cultures, hell even homosexuality and sexism.

The list goes on and on....

There is really much to reflect on to the astute viewer who enjoys the process of introspection, philosophy, and explorative logic (Ie..the "what if this" or "what if that" or "wow, thats just like how we treat...." or "I see that happening now with the xxx") kinds of stuff.

Religion was just touched upon in one episode.
Star Trek is a lesson in socialism. I loved TNG but ocassionally, they went overboard.
Star Trek is a lesson in socialism.

It was a TV show. Not even a popular one then. I think you're reading a whole lot more into it than it actually contained.
There is really much to reflect on to the astute viewer who enjoys the process of introspection

Both of you. :shrug:
"The economics of the future are somewhat different. You see, money does not exist in the 25th century. . . . The acquisition wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity".
chcr said:
It was a TV show. Not even a popular one then. I think you're reading a whole lot more into it than it actually contained.

Both of you. :shrug:

No offense but that puts you in the majority of folks who are utterly clueless about the show.

You can leave your smug comments at the door please.
AnomalousEntity said:
No offense but that puts you in the majority of folks who are utterly clueless about the show.

You can leave your smug comments at the door please.


so you are saying that the writers of this show were so absolutely brilliant as to have profound knowledge on all of these subjects...and what they did with it was throw it all into obtuse writings for a television show which noone watched and hope someone noticed? :retard:

or they were just dudes writing a show and people sit about and desperately try to find meaning in it...like english professors who expound on why authors did this and that...when the authors themselves are asking "huh? I was just writing a story!"
No offense but that puts you in the majority of folks who are utterly clueless about the show.

You can leave your smug comments at the door please.

I wasn't trying to be smug AE. There is fiction, and there is the real world. I feel like "the majority of folks" have trouble distinguishing between the two. As Leslie says, they're just stories. Certainly drawn from the experiences and beliefs of the authors, and the relevant social climate of the day, but simply stories none the less.
Leslie said:

so you are saying that the writers of this show were so absolutely brilliant as to have profound knowledge on all of these subjects...and what they did with it was throw it all into obtuse writings for a television show which noone watched and hope someone noticed? :retard:

or they were just dudes writing a show and people sit about and desperately try to find meaning in it...like english professors who expound on why authors did this and that...when the authors themselves are asking "huh? I was just writing a story!"

Gene Roddenberry

I finally feel that I have become a philosopher, junior grade. Theres hardly a subject you could mention I haven't spent time thinking out while writing Star Trek scripts.

Rick Berman
Rick named the suliban after the Taliban. That was three years ago.

Its all the more more an escape from the horror and fear people feel. Which is not unlike how people were feeling in the '60s, when Gene Roddenberry started this whole thing, Kidss were getting under their desks in the air-raid drills. There was the Cuban missle crisis and the cold War.

What trek did so well was use space adventure as a window to contemporary events. You needn't have been a warp-speed scientist to discern the commentary on Cold War politics, Vietnam War escalation, or the folloy of utopian quests.

It is a well known fact that Star Trek is often used as a launch platform to explore current events and differing philosopy (well known to any who has seen the show...excetp you I guess).

But wait? The creators and writers of the show must be confused.

Some poster on an internet discussion board "Leslie" knows the truth...it really isnt about anything like that. " Leslie" knows way more about it than the writers and creators and the millions of fans.

Do me a favor. Know what your talking about BEFORE you make a fool yourself.
chcr said:
I wasn't trying to be smug AE. There is fiction, and there is the real world. I feel like "the majority of folks" have trouble distinguishing between the two. As Leslie says, they're just stories. Certainly drawn from the experiences and beliefs of the authors, and the relevant social climate of the day, but simply stories none the less.

Please quote me where I said they WERE any thing more than stories/philosophy/commentary on current events with the ability to "make you think"

You cant.

What is it with everyone around here to make shit up and post it like its truth?
No offense but that puts you in the majority of folks who are utterly clueless about the show.
Its not just religion. So many episodes about racism, hate, revenge, interference, respecting different peoples cultures, hell even homosexuality and sexism.


There's your smug comment.:grinno:
It's a f*cking TV show, for entertainment purposes only. In my opinion, not very entertaining.

I mean I'm a dork, but Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.

But that's just my opinion.

it is just a TV show, but it does have it's own spin on current affairs, and contains social, and cultural themes.

Pretty good for a show that was offered as "a western is space"