One more time

How does "We're here to talk about education. But I want to say something before that. You know, education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you -- you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." translate into 'talking about Bush?' That's just deflection.

What you saw from Hanoi John was a pattern of disrespecting and undermining US military that started at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.

Hear that noise?? It's the sound of the Dems distancing themselves from sKerry as we speak.

"If you don't, you get (us) stuck in Iraq."

Bush has us stuck in Iraq becuase he's not smart.

But if you want to take the position that exactly the words peple say is what they meant then let's take this one:

"I've reminded the prime minister—the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship.
" Bush—Washington, D.C., June 29, 2006

Obviously you should be concerned that Bush doesn't know that the United States and America are the same thing. Proving undeniably that he's dumb.

Shit, Repubs have been distancing themselves from Bush for quite awhile now.

It is entertaining to see you grasp at straws though.
So you're saying "it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship" is true then?
"The point now is how do we work together to achieve important goals. And one such goal is a democracy in Germany."

"You took an oath to defend our flag and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas and under fire."

"We expect the states to show us whether or not we're achieving simple objectives—like literacy, literacy in math"

"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."
unfortunately for bush, everything he says is written down, and in the 24-hour cable news age everything is replayed over and over. i don't really think hes dumb...i disagree with him 80% of the time and he's not the best public speaker, but he's not dumb.

still, his bushisms make me laugh.
"If you don't, you get (us) stuck in Iraq."

Bush has us stuck in Iraq becuase he's not smart.

It is entertaining to see you grasp at straws though.

sKerry knew what he was saying---here it is in living color:

He says ".... and make an effort to be smart..." then he looks down at his script, looks up and continues: "....if you don't you get stuck in Iraq." I suppose next you'll say he forgot his reading glasses.

The Left in America may say one thing and place the burden on the rest of us to get it right, but there’s really no argument about what they say on any given subject. We’re not stupid and we understand what was said. The giveaway is how they do not own their own words when challenged, and place it on our backs to sort out.

It is the double standard where the Conservatives are adults held to an adult standard and who catch hell when they violate it, and the Liberals are the adolescents who get the run of the house with no accountability at

Is this another misinterpretation of a sKerry statement:

WASHINGTON (AP) - During a Vietnam-era run for Congress three decades ago, John Kerry said he opposed a volunteer Army because it would be dominated by the underprivileged, be less accountable and be more prone to "the perpetuation of war crimes."

In 1972, as he ran for the House, he was less apologetic in his comments about the merits of a volunteer army. He declared in the questionnaire that he opposed the draft but considered a volunteer army "a greater anathema."

"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote.

It will be entertaining to see the reasons the Dems come up with for losing next week: No. 1 not on the list---"because we didn't appeal to the American voters!"
So you're saying "it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship" is true then?
I think the fact that Canucks and Americans were shooting at each other (shortly before the Canucks burned the White House to the ground) might put the lie to that.
I think the fact that Canucks and Americans were shooting at each other (shortly before the Canucks burned the White House to the ground) might put the lie to that.


You might have a point if you hadn't just typed "Canucks and Americans" proving my earlier point that when people say "Americans" they mean the USA. Kinda puts the stupid right back in Bush's quote.
He says ".... and make an effort to be smart..." then he looks down at his script, looks up and continues: "....if you don't you get stuck in Iraq." I suppose next you'll say he forgot his reading glasses.

So then Bush knew what he was saying when he said "It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."

I think the president protecting people that mean us harm like that could be a treasonable offense :D

It is cute seeing you try to base a whole election on one guy misspeaking. That shows some real desperation and straw grabbing.
I think the fact that Canucks and Americans were shooting at each other (shortly before the Canucks burned the White House to the ground) might put the lie to that.

The Canucks didn't burn diddly. It was the Brits. Any Canucks there were secondary...kinda like now. :D
It is cute seeing you try to base a whole election on one guy misspeaking. That shows some real desperation and straw grabbing.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that holds water. If so, it's pretty sad that one comment by one of your fools can completely obliterate 2 years work by your best & brightest.
For the sake of argument, let's assume that holds water. If so, it's pretty sad that one comment by one of your fools can completely obliterate 2 years work by your best & brightest.

You wish. Dems still leading by the same amount.
It is cute seeing you try to base a whole election on one guy misspeaking.

No, I base the whole election on the fact that the dems are weak on defense, and the terrorists know this AND Fortunately, the American people know it as well.

Nope, the republicans have increased terrorism and made us less safe according to the reports. So they would be the ones weak on defense. Most of the country also thinks the Dems will do a better job handling the Iraq situation.

So if you base the whole election on that you lose again.
Nope, the republicans have increased terrorism and made us less safe according to the reports. So they would be the ones weak on defense.

I really hate the way those damned terrorists keep blowing up Toledo & Sacramento, don't you?
So if you base the whole election on that you lose again.

It will be everyone's loss if dems get into office. Which US city will be the first one lost to a terrorist's nuke if dems regain power? East coast or West?