One planet, one currency, one language, no borders


Well-Known Member
Imagine the potential of having a single planet with no borders, a universal language "Lingua franca", one currency and trading rules, one set of laws, one police force and one governing body.

Utter chaos? Paradise?

Which part of which country would you pick?

Language-English (It's already well on it's way to becomming the business language and a mish-mosh of other languages anyway)

Currecy- The American Dollar BUT with Canadian Colours (You've got to get bored of that everything's green thing eventually) **Ps. I believe that cash-cards will replace physical currency soon anyway)** The American dollar despite it being overrated economically, is already seen as the universal dollar.

Trading rules-Australia (A very open set of laws, if I ever did see one)

Police- Swiss

Governing Body- United Nations (but with teeth!)
Not gonna happen, but it'd be cool. Although i would'nt want to use the USD... I prefer the Euro. It looks cooler.

Edit: Not gonna happen unless we get Pax Americana, which'd suck.
At first it sounds like utopia...but as I think about it, I'd miss the differences... I really LIKE going to another country and hearing something besides English. I like the look of different currencies, the fact that the architecture is different, the customs, the food, the music.... I enjoy forcing myself to adjust my behaviour and my expectations to what is appropriate. When in Rome, etc.... or what is it you say in Canada? Vive la difference! :D
MrBishop said:
Imagine the potential of having a single planet with no borders, a universal language "Lingua franca", one currency and trading rules, one set of laws, one police force and one governing body.

Utter chaos? Paradise?

Which part of which country would you pick?

Language-English (It's already well on it's way to becomming the business language and a mish-mosh of other languages anyway)

Currecy- The American Dollar BUT with Canadian Colours (You've got to get bored of that everything's green thing eventually) **Ps. I believe that cash-cards will replace physical currency soon anyway)** The American dollar despite it being overrated economically, is already seen as the universal dollar.

Trading rules-Australia (A very open set of laws, if I ever did see one)

Police- Swiss

Governing Body- United Nations (but with teeth!)

John Lennon said it best already I think.
MrBishop said:
Imagine the potential of having a single planet with no borders, a universal language "Lingua franca", one currency and trading rules, one set of laws, one police force and one governing body.

now of course you realize you would have to kill millions of rabid anti-UN anti-Big Brother hands off my constitution americans to accomplish this. for this reason I dont see anything like this even remotely happening unless a modern day Genghis Khan or Napolean takes over the world. This would be after America falls like Rome though.

I believe that cash-cards will replace physical currency soon anyway)**

havent they been saying this since the 50s? How would that work? Im bad enough with my credit and debit cards as it is.
Thulsa Doom said:
havent they been saying this since the 50s? How would that work? Im bad enough with my credit and debit cards as it is.

You basically have a card onto which you dowload money from your bank. This card does not have a pin#, but is highly secured against modifications by anyone other than the bank. You go into a store and instead of pulling out a $20 bill to pay for a $10.95 itema dn get back a whole whack of change, you whip out your cash-card and pay the exact amount directly. Running out of money? Go back to the bank or use your c/cards and interac.

We already use it here for phone cards. You can buy a $5 card and use it on more quarters. :) In Jamaica, you can buy stamps and pay for parking spots with it too.

Lose's no different than losing your roll. last longer, it's re-useable, recyleable and takes up less room in your wallet/purse :)
Ms Ann Thrope said:
At first it sounds like utopia...but as I think about it, I'd miss the differences... I really LIKE going to another country and hearing something besides English. I like the look of different currencies, the fact that the architecture is different, the customs, the food, the music.... I enjoy forcing myself to adjust my behaviour and my expectations to what is appropriate. When in Rome, etc.... or what is it you say in Canada? Vive la difference! :D

You misunderstand. This lingua-franca wouldn't replace all other languages...just supplement it. You'd still speak Italian in Italy and Créole in Haiti...BUT you'd also know "X". Everyone at least unilingualX, and bilingual would mean X+italian, or french, or japanese etc..

I don't see how architecture, food, music would change though...perhaps spread out somewhat, but we're already experinceing that, non?
MrBishop said:
You basically have a card onto which you dowload money from your bank. This card does not have a pin#, but is highly secured against modifications by anyone other than the bank. You go into a store and instead of pulling out a $20 bill to pay for a $10.95 itema dn get back a whole whack of change, you whip out your cash-card and pay the exact amount directly. Running out of money? Go back to the bank or use your c/cards and interac.

We already use it here for phone cards. You can buy a $5 card and use it on more quarters. :) In Jamaica, you can buy stamps and pay for parking spots with it too.

Lose's no different than losing your roll. last longer, it's re-useable, recyleable and takes up less room in your wallet/purse :)

isnt this basically what a debit card is? only yer saying there would just be ONE global bank... *shiver*
MrBishop said:
You misunderstand. This lingua-franca wouldn't replace all other languages...just supplement it. You'd still speak Italian in Italy and Créole in Haiti...BUT you'd also know "X". Everyone at least unilingualX, and bilingual would mean X+italian, or french, or japanese etc..

I don't see how architecture, food, music would change though...perhaps spread out somewhat, but we're already experinceing that, non?

In the beginning the differences would remain, but eventually disappear. Just like regional and national differences are already fading in favor of a mass-produced hamburger, for instance, that tastes the same in London and Los Angeles.

One government, one currency, this type of unification would eventually blur our differences.

In case I'm being too subtle here, I'm NOT a fan of globalism... :D ;)
If the whole world were like Southern Ireland I'd be happy.......

I like the idea of the currency card replaced cash......unfortuneatly black markets, and other dubious dealings, keep umpteen billions circulating.
Thulsa Doom said:
now of course you realize you would have to kill millions of rabid anti-UN anti-Big Brother hands off my constitution americans to accomplish this. for this reason I dont see anything like this even remotely happening unless a modern day Genghis Khan or Napolean takes over the world. This would be after America falls like Rome though.

havent they been saying this since the 50s? How would that work? Im bad enough with my credit and debit cards as it is.

Thats not as far fetched as you might think. Look at how long Rome lasted before it fell.... a hell of a spell longer than the USA has lasted.

"A house divided against itself will fall"

There is a tendency for Americans to be separationist in attitude towards the UN and other gov.

Give them a break. The UN is mostly portrayed here as an impotent political means to try and extort/coax/blackmail etc money and Aid from the US. The UN is not portrayed as doing anything benificial for the US and generally doing everything in its power to resist the US inatitives (unless of course it involves us Giving someone else Billions of dollars with a 0% percent chance of getting paid back).

I dont pretend to know this is the truth, but that is the impression we are given.

As far as the constitution. Remember it was basically written by ex-subjects of Great Britain...they were not exactly "Americans" at the time.

There isnt really anything wrong with the general principles nor is there anything wrong with the concept of "freedom".

I dont think most intelligent folks would have a problem with a modification of its current inception provided it still provided the backbones of those same freedoms.

Now if your advocating a world society in which people would not meet typical standards of "freedom"

Then yes you would have a problem....but a problem due to VALID CONCERNS.

The US isnt the only country that would have to give up long outdated principles.

Monarch? (family apt royalty) and or any system where the ruling party "appoints" its own successors would be gone.

And think about something like taxes....I doubt much of the world could afford to pay nearly the kind of Money the US buisness and citizens have to pay, everyone would go broke .

So what do you do there? Leave that up to the individual areas?

Well I think many areas would retain their core values and laws. (much like the US tried to do when it set up sovern states).

In time though, it would become more homogenous much like the states did here.
The recording industry spent millions and devoted thousands of man-hours to developing a crackproof system to copyprotect their music. It lasted 11 hours. Universal bank cards (AKA Credsticks) have as much chance as a kentucky virgin at a family reunion.
Professur said:
The recording industry spent millions and devoted thousands of man-hours to developing a crackproof system to copyprotect their music. It lasted 11 hours. Universal bank cards (AKA Credsticks) have as much chance as a kentucky virgin at a family reunion.

They are already being used Prof. Remember the 'LaPuce" cards. If the protection isn't programming, but hard-wired, then you give the geeks headaches. Some thatwould spend hours coding/decoding thousands of hours of code wouldn't be the same who would spend months looking through a microscope and trying to fuse the right switch...maybe.

Thulsa - The difference between cash-cards and debit cards, is that debit cards are linked to your bank account. Break the Pin# and you get unlimited access to where your paycheck goes etc...
cash'd hold pretty much the same on there as you would hold paper-money. $20-40 or so.

The problem would be protecting the cards from individuals adding fake credit to real cards. Physical encryption would do it. Look at access cards for work or parking. Perfectly accepteable and protecting more than the $20 in your pocket.
MrBishop said:
They are already being used Prof. Remember the 'LaPuce" cards. If the protection isn't programming, but hard-wired, then you give the geeks headaches. Some thatwould spend hours coding/decoding thousands of hours of code wouldn't be the same who would spend months looking through a microscope and trying to fuse the right switch...maybe.

You might wanna talk to the satelite TV industry who are being robbed blind by hacked smartcards, just like those used for La Puce. (FYI that's french for flea)

If you don't have the original code for a program, you have to reverse engineer it to the point that you can read it. Or try and hack in machine code. A common program today has millions of line of code. Reading and decoding the binary is impossible. But the software on a smartcard is only about a thousand lines, if that. They simply don't have the capacity for more. Yet.

Hacking hardware is much easier. Hands up everyone here who's unlocked their CPU. See. Thousands of tech related companies have gone belly up in the past 2 years. Their tech assets have been auctionned off, to the highest bidder. Think the mob might have the money for an electron microscope or two, to be able to print their own money?
Being married into Brandi's family showed me a whole new perspective on what it's like to live cash-only. Some people simply have no self-control, they cannot be trusted with credit or a checking account, and they have a hard time with the concept that your account shows one balance, but pending transactions mean you can't spend that entire balance.

With cash, they can see exactly how much money they have in their hand, and when they pay for something they can see right away they don't have the money anymore.

After being involved in that family, I'd have to say I fear a cashless society would drive up the homelessness rate.
Just one big country? Sounds like Paradise to me. How could there be war if we are all one and the same?

I'd live in France (or the area formally known as France if that happened)
CydCharisse said:
Just one big country? Sounds like Paradise to me. How could there be war if we are all one and the same?

war would still exist its just all war would by definition become... well... civil...
CydCharisse said:
Just one big country? Sounds like Paradise to me. How could there be war if we are all one and the same?

I'd live in France (or the area formally known as France if that happened)

Well that already almost happened already. It was called WWII.