one quick question

i like so much by him that i cant pick just one. but I love Much Ado about Nothing, MAcbeth, and Othello

best thing to ever happen to you?
freako104 said:
i like so much by him that i cant pick just one. but I love Much Ado about Nothing, MAcbeth, and Othello

best thing to ever happen to you?

I met PostCode

Mexican, Italian or American food?
G.I.Jane said:
I met PostCode

Mexican, Italian or American food?
Mexican, although you put them in the correct order as far as those three choices go. :)

What person from history would you most like to be like?
chcr said:
Mexican, although you put them in the correct order as far as those three choices go. :)

What person from history would you most like to be like?
oooh...either melpomene or if i have to be more practical....grace kelly?

favorite beatle?
chcr said:
Mexican, although you put them in the correct order as far as those three choices go. :)

What person from history would you most like to be like?


Favorite hobby?
Administrator/property manager/IT monkey/handyman/marketing speicalist/accounting

at a brokerage firm

if you where a tree, what kind would you be, and why?
paul_valaru said:
Administrator/property manager/IT monkey/handyman/marketing speicalist/accounting

at a brokerage firm

if you where a tree, what kind would you be, and why?
a crepe myrtle....strong yet bendable, grow anywhere, pretty flowers.

favorite season?
Play on my puter, it doesn't make me feel better, it just gets me away.

What do you do when you are horny, but alone?
PuterTutor said:
Play on my puter, it doesn't make me feel better, it just gets me away.

What do you do when you are horny, but alone?

favorite breakfast cereal?