one quick question

freako104 said:
sunset. its prettier, more romantic and also its the start of night time :)

worst job you ever had?
cleaning cages at a vet's office.

what was the stupidest thing you ever did?
Join this forum??! (Looks like it's gonna mean even less time spent on homework :D).

Seriously it was probably the time i stood on the side of a shopping trolley that my baby sister was sitting in, and of course the whole thing went over sideways. She 18 now, and a recent X-ray showed that her whole jaw is lopsided inside. Nice one, me. :rolleyes:

If you could make one change to the world, what would it be?
freako104 said:

Star Wars or Star Trek
star wars definitely! big fan...well, not as big as some but i do own the star wars edition of trivial pursuit.

do you like mushy romantic stuff?
tonks said:
star wars definitely! big fan...well, not as big as some but i do own the star wars edition of trivial pursuit.

do you like mushy romantic stuff?


On a date do you prefer dinner or a movie (or both)?
chcr said:

On a date do you prefer dinner or a movie (or both)?
i don't do the movie thing right away. it's much too uncomfortable for me to go to a movie with someone that i have, kissed before...something about the classic make out setting ruffles my dander but i'm an oddball. dinner is all depends, you know?

when was the last time you went on a date?
Does the girl coming over to my apartment and us hanging out, falling asleep on the bed, waking up in the middle of the night and, umm, well, anyways... if that doesn't count as a date, then my last real date was a couple of weeks ago.

Less filling, or tastes great?
Inkara1 said:
Does the girl coming over to my apartment and us hanging out, falling asleep on the bed, waking up in the middle of the night and, umm, well, anyways... if that doesn't count as a date, then my last real date was a couple of weeks ago.

Less filling, or tastes great?
taste's great.

what is your favorite brewsky?
tonks said:
taste's great.

what is your favorite brewsky?

toss up between Rolling Rock, Pete's Wicked Ale and Red Hat.

how do you prefer your steak? rare, medium or burnt?
Spot said:
toss up between Rolling Rock, Pete's Wicked Ale and Red Hat.

how do you prefer your steak? rare, medium or burnt?

upscale restaurant -- rare
mid-range and below -- medium rare

dark or milk chocolate?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
upscale restaurant -- rare
mid-range and below -- medium rare

dark or milk chocolate?
depends. dark chocolate is a special treat, very decadent. milk for the day to day fixes :D
where were you born?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
until I can't take care of myself...

What's your biggest regret in life?

letting an old girlfriend get away. it was one of those pivotal moments.

what is your biggest joy in life?