one quick question

Ms Ann Thrope said:
cross country skiing in the woods... breaking a trail just after dawn :love:

what drives you to despair?

dark, brooding introspective questions.. :D

if you had to, what other type of job would you train for?
arborist... forest ranger... something that keeps me in woods and away from people :D

If you were forced to leave your country, where would you go?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
arborist... forest ranger... something that keeps me in woods and away from people :D

If you were forced to leave your country, where would you go?

Philippines. people know me there. even though they've never met me...

what language do you wish you could speak?
Ms Ann Thrope said:

Pick a century to have been born in, assuming you were in Western Europe: 15th to the 19th...

probably late 17th to early 18th.

are people basically good or basically bad?
freako104 said:
favourite movie? a toss up between "matrix" and "ronin", based on how many times i've seen the movie.

are you in all the pictures or do you take all the pictures?
Spot said: a toss up between "matrix" and "ronin", based on how many times i've seen the movie.

are you in all the pictures or do you take all the pictures?
i take all the pictures, usually....working on this.

do you have a favorite song? share?
tonks said:
do you have a favorite song? share?

garbage - #1 crush. its the theme song from the leo dicaprio movie "romeo and juliet". at least thats the first one that came to mind.

what was your worst day?
Spot said:
garbage - #1 crush. its the theme song from the leo dicaprio movie "romeo and juliet". at least thats the first one that came to mind.

what was your worst day?
i don't care to ponder on that, thanks :winkkiss:

what is more important? happiness or security?