one quick question

i bought some size 7s and they are constantly slipping so i guess a 6....but undie sizes run much different from pant sizes. i don't rightly know my pant size.

favorite feature of the opposite sex?
Oooh! I'll take this question. To make it easy, let's go for physical feature, aka, favorite part of the male body. It's the part of the body where the leg connects to the torso right below the pelvis area. Basically, the pelvis area and upper leg area. :D

Do you know when Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was created and why?
Rose said:
Oooh! I'll take this question. To make it easy, let's go for physical feature, aka, favorite part of the male body. It's the part of the body where the leg connects to the torso right below the pelvis area. Basically, the pelvis area and upper leg area. :D

Do you know when Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was created and why?
i like that part too...i'm a butt and shoulders girl myself...but thats a yummy part :D

no, i don't.

bar soap or liquid soap? scrubbie or washcloth or bare hands?
tommyj27 said:
hmmmmmm. jetsons.

light or dark meat? (turkey)
dark meat.

earliest memory?

seriously tommy....who's your daddy? how else was i suppose to answer that? couldn't resist....
Don't remember. :p Seriously, a visit to the doctor when i was 1.5 or 2 years old or so...

Favourite country?
Got a whole list - but let's stick to 5 (I'm sticking to 5 because I can :p) Beatles, Counting Crows, Led Zep, Rolling Stones & Skunk Anansie.

Where's your virginity?