one quick question

AlphaTroll said:
(yeah people do give me their cards - it's liberating).

Nope, I have never used anyone for their money.

Have you ever kissed (and I do not mean that chaste little granny peck) a guy with dentures?

what was the biggest age difference you have ever experienced in a romantic relationship?
Well, I like sitting in the car at lunchtime, pointing my hairdryer at should see them slow down!

Do you have stinky feet?
AlphaTroll said:
Well, I like sitting in the car at lunchtime, pointing my hairdryer at should see them slow down!

Do you have stinky feet?
no...too much air flow......

did you wear braces on your teeth?
*hops on tommy's lap* don't mind do you?

Good ones.....oh, they're locked away in a deep dark secret box under my bed.

Hey, when & where did you see the bad ones? I thought they'd all been destroyed?
oh they're everywhere...we're all laughing at you :D

if you absolutely had to pick....grateful dead or pink floyd?
freako104 said:
pink floyd it is trippier

was this question asked before?
no...before it was zeppelin and sabbath...but these questions are very revealing to me.

do you still have your appendix?
Spot said:
with a fork

which is better, waffles or pancakes?
that all depends....i like both...i like pecan waffles....waffle house? and i like belgian waffles...those rock....mmmmm...waffles......

what do the voices in your head tell you to do?
The one in the back corner that lasts twice as long and cost less than half the price.

What's your favorite smiley?
Bungi said:
The one in the back corner that lasts twice as long and cost less than half the price.

What's your favorite smiley?
i like :D and :swing: and *handonhip and :trippin: and, of course, :blush:

what is your favorite saturday morning cartoon of all time?
Robert Motherwell (and about 50 others... but if I had to choose one painting to live with it would be one of Motherwell's Elegies to the Spanish Republic)

favorite author? (fiction)