one quick question

Iain Banks, specifically the first line of The Crow Road "It was the day my grandmother exploded."

Favourite historical character?
Gotnolegs said:
Iain Banks, specifically the first line of The Crow Road "It was the day my grandmother exploded."

Favourite historical character?

from fiction? Jude Fawley
from history? Mother Jones (Mary Jones)

favorite dramatist?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
from fiction? Jude Fawley
from history? Mother Jones (Mary Jones)

favorite dramatist?
hmmm...not really sure...never really thougght of it...i suppose it depends on what you mean by dramatist but i shall answer my way, i like arthur miller. i like shakespeare....well, some of it....okay, most of it...whoever was in charge of turning margaret mitchell's gone with the wind into a screenplay was superb.....but that's fresh in my brain.

how do you eat an oreo? twist? dunk? one bite?
for the most part; (the actual paper)

where would you rather go, antarctica, or the moon?
Spot said:
as much as i like cats, i have to go with dogs

what is your favorite scent?
hmmm...i could never pick one....fresh cookies, cinnamon, the ocean, the smell of white sheets fresh from the many...

favorite sports team?
tonks said:
hmmm...i could never pick one....fresh cookies, cinnamon, the ocean, the smell of white sheets fresh from the many...

favorite sports team?

Boston Bruins

what is the 1st thing youd buy if you won $100k?
airfare and hotel for a week for 2 people to Vegas.

are your relatives near or far away