one quick question

tommyj27 said:

what's for xmas dinner? can i come over?
roast and deep fried turkeys...some other hunk of meat, cornbread dressing, rice dressing, 2 kinds of green bean casseroles, sweet potato casserole, asparagus cassserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, marshmalloe salad, macaroni and cheese, homemade yeast rolls, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, coconut cake, fruitcake cookies, and the toughest eggnog you ever had.......come on over....what's one more?

whats better? christmas or thanksgiving?
edit (because AT is quicker on the draw): another crappy old computer.

would you fight santa claus for the last plate of milk and cookies on the planet?
AlphaTroll said:
Christmas (we don't have Thanksgiving).

What would be the worst gift anyone could give you?
a tuna casserole.

what is the strangest gift you ever received?
tommyj27 said:
edit (because AT is quicker on the draw): another crappy old computer.

would you fight santa claus for the last plate of milk and cookies on the planet?
you're damn skippy!!!!!!

what's your birthstone and do you care?
Peridot - don't really care but I have some nice jewelry with the stone in it.

What's the worst thing you'd do for money?

edit - will keep the answer 'cos my first piece of jewelry happened to be one with my birthstone in it and yeah I still have it.

So my question remains
Ms Ann Thrope said:
garnet, and no, I don't care :D

what was your first gift of jewelry and do you still have it?
my mother has a baby bracelet i had......

what is the strangest gift you ever received?
You mean besides the edible underwear I once got....which mysteriously disappeared out of my drawer a week later?

(hmmm - guess I got a question/answer combo there).

Have you ever done anything really bizarre for money?
AlphaTroll said:
You mean besides the edible underwear I once got....which mysteriously disappeared out of my drawer a week later?

(hmmm - guess I got a question/answer combo there).

Have you ever done anything really bizarre for money?
um.....i;ve had some crappy jobs but other than that? no....

wouldn't you wonder where the undies went?
I did wonder for a long time, but then I just decided not to let it bother me - as long as I didn't have to wear them or eat them :shrug:

Have you ever eaten edible undies?
tommyj27 said:
no ma'am.

what is on your desktop right now? (wallpaper)
a grateful dead bear....i dunno how to do that i could show you.....

how do you do that?
Right click on it and save the wallpaper image as a jpeg or gif file then add as image file to your post.

Is that what you meant? What thing?
AlphaTroll said:
Right click on it and save the wallpaper image as a jpeg or gif file then add as image file to your post.

Is that what you meant? What thing?
i guess that's what i meant...but when i right click on doesn't give me that option....

Erm, because you're right clicking on your desktop, which will bring up the desktop control thingy (I think).

Haven't you saved the original image somewhere? Check you temp files and so on?