One simple question...


Why do men have to suck so f*cking bad?

Why is it that men seem to think they can lie to you, his significant other, multiple times, and you should still trust him completely. Would they be completely trusting if you lied to them? MANY times? And, everytime you lied it INVOLVED THE OPPOSITE SEX???

Men just... are all screwed up in the head. They should be forgiven and trusted no matter how many times they've lied to you, hit on other women, tried to get these women to have phone sex with them, and refused to stop talking to these women because they are "such good friends".

damn it all to effin hell.. :banghead:

I know no one's interested in that kind of thing, but where else better to rant than a forum, eh? It's kinda like... yelling out your problems in a public place. No one cares and they all give you weird looks but hey, you got it out. BAM!
Why is it that men seem to think they can lie to you, his significant other, multiple times, and you should still trust him completely.

Because you've allowed it to happen that way. One significant lie can be overlooked, perhaps. Two, never.
Yeah. That kida falls back to the 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me', principal. You can forgive... if it is in your nature... but trust is another whole ball of wax. It has to be earned with long, hard work. One doesn't get it after a mere snap of the fingers on a demand. Once betrayed, it becomes twice as hard to recover.

Don't fret about spilling your guts here. We do it all the time.
I agree with the menfolks.

The thing here is, if you stay, you have to drop it. You can't become this raging stalker chick constantly freaking out, checking up on every facet of his life and telling him what he can and can't do, which is probably what the issue is here at present. That is wrong, as lying is.

You get over it and stay, in which case anything else ensuing becomes your own damned fault, or you don't get over it, don't stay, and kick the lying dogshit to the curb.

*been there
*didn't know he was lying though, cause I was way too naive for my own good
*it ended when I did know
If you let it go on, then you're asking for it. Either end it or live with the consequences unfortunately.
I see this a little differently. She's blaming all men for the acts of one man that she permitted to do as he pleased. :retard: Sound about right?
See above. People are jerks when they're allowed to be jerks. It's not a men's only club.

I see this a little differently. She's blaming all men for the acts of one man that she permitted to do as he pleased. :retard: Sound about right?

If you want to attract grown up men that treat you like a grown up woman you have to be prepared to act like a grown up woman. Like attracts like.
Throw out this trash and start fresh.
Is there an echo in here?

There must be 'cause I agree too.

Error, you're young, no need to grow up with such feelings towards men. There's a whole variety of men and women, you must happen to like (consciously or uncounsciously) the jerk type.
If she permits the abuse, then she has accepted that she belongs there. If she deserves better, then she will knock his knees off with a cricket bat and toss his shit on the curb.
Keeping in mind that folks do change...or at least they show their true colors. It's all in how you deal with the situation.