One thing you miss most about high school


New Member
I got a packet I need to fill out that all seniors (have to) do, and one of the questions is to put down what I will miss the most. Honestly, I'm drawing a blank because I won't miss a damned thing. How about you guys? What do you miss?
FluerVanderloo said:
I got a packet I need to fill out that all seniors (have to) do, and one of the questions is to put down what I will miss the most. Honestly, I'm drawing a blank because I won't miss a damned thing. How about you guys? What do you miss?

Not having to work, less responsibility, almost carefree life, fun doing stupidities with friends.............
Wow. That's a toughie.

It's a social atmosphere that you'll never find again anywhere or anytime. Some facets of it you'll miss, some of it not at all.

Something you'll miss next year is the knowing your teachers fairly well. That won't happen anymore.

Or go small. Deeking out at lunch and sitting at the greasy spoon. There are many small things like that that won't really happen again, and if they do...they're recreations that never quite hit the mark.
The last day of school...I missed out on giving the whole school a finger as I walked away....I would like to go back to that day so I can re-finger the school.
Here's your response. Something right out of the breakfast club eh.

I won't know what I'll miss about HS til I'm out.
Once I'm your age teach I'll have time to concern myself with such inanities, until such time...

Seriously Flu think of the mindset that pose such a question to a student STILL in HS.

Personally I’da banged a lot more chicks back then but that don’t apply to you Flu lol
Leslie said:
Deeking out at lunch and sitting at the greasy spoon.
Yeah, at lunchtime we used to walk through the "cornfields" which was a vacant lot with trails through the brush and eat at McDonalds. Now the cornfields is a Target and a Super Stop N Shop. :(

And I remember when the first Blockbuster opened up right next to McDonalds. We all scrambled to get in there the first week to get jobs, and if not jobs, membership cards. I still use the same card that I got that first week, over 15 years ago.

You know what though, all my fond memories all had to do with my friends.
Leslie said:
Something you'll miss next year is the knowing your teachers fairly well. That won't happen anymore.

Not true...many of my professors and friendly with me and others in my class. One of them has even gone out for drinks with us. And another I've had conversations with about the general stresses of school, vacations, etc when we've both been heading in the same direction or when I've gone to his office to ask his questions about an assignment or test. Yet another one of our professors tells us stories about his kids and knows all of our full names, where we're from and what our general interests are (we all had to submit a bio sheet cause he wanted to get to know us).

As for what I miss about highschool...the friends...I have different friends now but nothing will ever be quite like highschool
I miss wrestling and band. That's really about it. I only keep in contact with a couple of people I went to high school with.
Being able to do absolutley nothing and get away with it. Not knowing that being a total dumbass and not doing anything was a bad thing.
HS blah
my 20's tho Hmm now there was a 'funtime'!!!

Flu your 'best times' are certainly ahead of ya!
Winky said:
my 20's tho Hmm now there was a 'funtime'!!!

Flu your 'best times' are certainly ahead of ya!


*remembers starting out on a sunday afternoon doing laundry at a Laundro-mat,running into a girl he went to school with and finishing up the night absolutely plastered in a room for of Escorts :brush: :evileek: {your twenties can be quite memorable} and then there was the time ....never mind I said too much already :eyemouth:
Missing HS, hmmmmmmmmm.......Definetly, friends, enemies, and NOT having the responsibilties I have now....But know what, I wouldnt trade or take back anything now, because what I did then, is kinda who I am now...If it doesn't brake ya, it makes you stronger..
The friends I made there that I don't see anymore.....thats it. Nothing in this universe will get me to find something good in the rest of it :shrug: