One thing you miss most about high school

Winky your sig is going to give me a coniption!

Anyway, I think school was pretty cool actually - more for the social aspects really, but I was a complete geek and loved the learning part too. I miss things like, when we'd had home economics practical classes (usually between first and second break) we'd take the food we'd made to our next class and everyone, including the teacher, would have a picnic while we were (supposedly) discussing the possible outcome of a gangfight involving Superman, Spiderman & Batman VS Wolverine, Storm & that guy with the fire that comes out of his eyes.

Also things like, when we had big sporting events the entire school would cut class for the day & go to the park down the road, where we would have a big jol, singing and basically just having fun.

We could do crazy things and get away with it - the teachers kinda expected us to do it and put it down to innocent fun. Noone was arrested if we locked all the teachers in the teacher's lounge & flooded the place. With 40 days (the matrics here celebrate 40 days - the exact day denoting only 40 more days of school left....which basically means it's the last day or so before the final exams begin) we removed some bricks from the assembly area and plastered a toilet in place, surrounding it with some mega palm trees etc.
I actually liked high school and there are many things I miss about it. I think the things I miss the most are some of my friends and the complete lack of giving a shit. I wasn’t really popular in high school and while I did play on a few athletic teams I don’t consider it to be anything worth caring about. However, many of my friends I really connected with in ways I find difficult to connect with as I get older. Most of my friends have gone separate directions in the game of life but a few I still see from time to time. What I found most shocking about college is that these people you have known as long as you can remember are suddenly gone. Sure you say goodbyes but I still have dreams all the time that I’m back in high school or hanging out with from back in the day. :beerbang:
I miss the isolation, the lack os self worth, the teenage angst, most of all the self loathing.

and back then I had the ability to spell.

highschool sucked!
AlphaTroll said:
Winky your sig is going to give me a coniption!

Anyway, I think school was pretty cool actually - more for the social aspects really, but I was a complete geek and loved the learning part too. I miss things like, when we'd had home economics practical classes (usually between first and second break) we'd take the food we'd made to our next class and everyone, including the teacher, would have a picnic while we were (supposedly) discussing the possible outcome of a gangfight involving Superman, Spiderman & Batman VS Wolverine, Storm & that guy with the fire that comes out of his eyes.
Wolverine's team would win. :D (and that guy with "fire" coming out of his eyes would be Scott Summers/Cyclops :swing: )
Oh and another fun thing about high school was bringing the kid with me to school some times (for instance on days we only had a couple of classes for whatever reason). He was like the class mascot. My french teacher loved him, and once spent an entire class playing with him/spinning him around in her chair. And my biology teacher had a drawing by him hanging in the biology room. :p