Only Three Days Left!!


Well-Known Member

according to wiki he died in 1995

I looked it up, because I had no idea who the guy was.
You know......that little thing a year ago about an American cartoonist who "drew mohammad" in response to the muslim uproar over the episode of South Park that was ultimately censored because they were going to feature Mo in an episode......the creators of South Park were told they "probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show".

The Seattle gal had to go into hiding at the behest of the FBI, change her name and give up her much for freedom of speech, eh??
Not following what this has to do with the original post. So what happens in 3 (2 now?) days that's related to Bob Ross?
another example of why you should never try to argue anything factual or coherent here, spike. just throw 'em some candy and walk away.
another example of why you should never try to argue anything factual or coherent here, spike. just throw 'em some candy and walk away.
OK minx, just so you feel better...

So what happens in 3 (2 now?) days that's related to Bob Ross?

In 2 days we'll still be on the internet explaining things to spike in short and simple sentences as Bob Ross lives foreveh on the interwebz.

There minx, does that satisfy the depths of your intellectual needs. ?

Time's up

upon reflection I believe Gonz’s paint sniffing comment
has quite a bit of merit
Jesus said specifically to, go about your business.
Not to listen to them that say he is 'here', or he is 'there'
None but Jesus no the day nor the hour.

If one (believer) changes because they think they time is close or at hand,
that is hypocritical imo.
If you believe, you need to 'live' like it every day.
Now that we've tossed Israel under the bus, I wonder if Baraq Hussein Ubama can rebuild the temple in two days? -- Could be trouble.
Now that we've tossed Israel under the bus, I wonder if Baraq Hussein Ubama can rebuild the temple in two days? -- Could be trouble.

well it's kinda hard to support them if we don't support mubarek... or... time for some hypocrisy to take a breather for a spell.