Oops...I slipped and killed him y'r honour!


Well-Known Member
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese woman has been charged with accidentally killing her husband with a sword after he refused to make her dinner, the Shanghai Daily said on Tuesday.


Police said Tang Xiaowan, 25, who has been practicing swordsmanship since she was young, had often forced her husband of three years at swordpoint to carry out her demands.

On March 3, her husband, Li Weidong, refused to cook dinner because he was late for work.

Police said Tang picked up her sword and put it on Li's chest and promptly slipped, stabbing Li by mistake.

Li died in hospital from loss of blood.

Tang was arrested Monday and charged with manslaughter.
So she wanted to try out for Bennehanas and failed the interview..

Kinda sounds like she is one that liked to drive in the sex area, wonder if she used a sword for that too...
Until recently, the most common method of execution, the bullet to the back of the head, was often administered in public, sometimes in a stadium.
What's wrong with that?
Yup. public works for me. And leave the clean up to some time-serving convicts. That'll rehabilitate the fuckers.
Luis G said:
Holy shit!!!

I thought swords were a matter of the past :eek:
Got three, Luis. Competent with two. Never found the time or wherewithal to get samurai training. ;)
Professur said:
If you're looking for the chainmail to go with that, let me know.

My brother makes weapons, helmets, armour including mail, clothing, shoes from the roman to the dark age period using original techniques and materials... you name it he does it... many of his items were and are made for museums here and on the continent, although he does make items for individuals... if you can afford the price. He made the most accurate reconstruction of the sutton hoo helmet which is displayed at sutton hoo in the visitors centre. He's giving demonstrations on roman shoe making during the summer at a dark age village reconstruction in Germany atm... I can't remember the name.

One of the reasons he and his wife moved to Germany is because he gets far more work on the continent than here, they take their history far more seriously and actually pay artisans what their work is worth. He's been doing this now for 30 years! It started as a hobby, but just took over. He's one of the most knowledgable people I know concerning that period in our history.

(the photos don't do it justice)
Nothing like that, though it would be cool. I have the foil I fenced with in college, the sabre I learned to use at the same time and a tourist version of a samurai sword that the boy got me when he was stationed in Japan. He didn't (still doesn't) know any better. Oh, and a lightsabre that makes the noises and everything... :nerd:

No need for mail or plate.
Professur said:
If you're looking for the chainmail to go with that, let me know.

So a knight walks into a blacksmith shop to pick up his order. The blacksmith says, "Welcome! You've got mail."
Inkara1 said:
So a knight walks into a blacksmith shop to pick up his order. The blacksmith says, "Welcome! You've got mail."

*wishes he had the tomato concession in Georgia for next weekend or are 2x4s gonna be the preferred method of retribution.
chcr said:
Got three, Luis. Competent with two. Never found the time or wherewithal to get samurai training. ;)

I got a foil or 2 around here somewheres - didja prefer foil or sabre? I tried epee as well - preferred foil though.