Open Bar


Staff member
Ugh, I feel like I've been hit over the head with a hammer.

Last night I went to a dinner thrown for us by one of the contractor's we work with. The food was AMAZING (Italian restaurant and much of the menu involved seafood :licklips: ), I won a hoodie in the raffle they did, and it was open bar. At one point in the night (after I'd already had more than enough to drink and was the only girl left) I decided that it was a good idea to keep up drink wise with this guy Andrew whose drink of choice was Vodka Seven, the same as mine (this was after I convinced everyone at the table with me to join me in a round of tequila shots). Well, I must say I kept up with him drink for drink and he ended up puking and going home around 1-ish. I left around 2-ish (I left when the one other person from my company who was still there left, two of the four guys who were there from the contracting company were still there too) on my own two feet without having puked. I do not feel so well today...however I do believe that since I didn't puke and Andrew likely feels just as bad as I do today that I won :D

Oh, and before anyone says anything about over drinking, at no point did I feel ill or anything last night. Did I know I was sloshed? Yes. Did I drink myself into a state where I was doing stupid things or puking? No.
Oh, one more thing...I guess since Andrew puked he should be glad he doesn't eat seafood...I hear seafood is UNPLEASANT coming back up.
Anything else you want to share? Like how many squirels or blue penquins you tried to run over going home??
Anything else you want to share? Like how many squirels or blue penquins you tried to run over going home??

I got in a cab and had a nice nap on the way home. I wouldn't even try to operate a bicycle in the state I was in last night, momma didn't raise no fool!
Good old Prof heh! ;) :D

mind you, his hair curlers will explode when he reads that!!

you feel asleep in the taxi?

Not good young lady!

er... yours,

Auntie BB :eek3: :eek5: (... um ... i'll just go get the blue rinse shall i? ... :bgpimp: )
Just a word from the wise, if I may...

Corporate gatherings that feature an open bar can be double edged swords. Some companies use it to "learn" a bit about their staff. Like who has self control, who has a drinking problem, who's a whore, and any number of other things they may look for.

Not saying that was the case here...hell, I was in another country at the time...just thought I'd let you know...
Just a word from the wise, if I may...

Corporate gatherings that feature an open bar can be double edged swords. Some companies use it to "learn" a bit about their staff. Like who has self control, who has a drinking problem, who's a whore, and any number of other things they may look for.

Not saying that was the case here...hell, I was in another country at the time...just thought I'd let you know...

Oh, I know that does occur and infact I was very civilized at the dinner dance that was put on by my company last weekend (being my first year I followed suit with the people around me)...this weekend though was thrown by a contractor and us "young'ins" actually got hasseled cause we weren't keeping up the tradition of "hoopla"...last year a table got broken, a few years before that some guys caused havok on the sidewalk after they left the restaurant, while we all did our fair share of boozing this year we were still heckled for not causing a rukus...:shrug: If anything I'm worried the contractor thinks we didn't party ENOUGH :eek5: