Open debate...Keep it civil.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
WASHINGTON — When Pfc. Lynndie England (search) faces a military hearing next Tuesday, Army lawyers will focus on her role in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal but the court of public opinion may look at something bigger — the growing role of women in the modern military.

England is the short, fresh-faced soldier immortalized in photographs pointing at the genitals of Iraqi prisoners or holding a leash attached to the neck of one Iraqi. She's also pregnant and the father of her child is a fellow soldier now being charged with adultery because of his relationship with her.

Her case has helped reopen the debate over gender in the military with a vengeance. Beyond the Abu Ghraib (search) incidents, there are reports of widespread sexual activity, pregnant female soldiers, and darker reports of rapes against women.

"My problem is not with the women in the military — it’s the women who claim to speak for them, the flawed policies that are making their jobs more difficult and more dangerous and we’re now seeing the consequences," charged Elaine Donnelly, longtime critic of women’s integration in the military and director of the Center for Military Readiness (search).

On the other hand, supporters of more integration say they are unwilling to impede the progress of women because of "a few bad apples" and ineffective Pentagon policies regarding sexual harassment and sexual activity in the ranks.

Once again, be civil.

markjs said:
All I want to know is why do women work so well in Israel's army but not ours?

I don't know where you got that from, but, historically, women in any army have caused greater friendly casualties just because of the men's innate desire to protect them from harm...happens in every military that has women and men side-by-side.
You're judging 100% of the wimins by the act of one? Not very lib*er*a* of you. ;)
Gonz said:
You're judging 100% of the wimins by the act of one? Not very lib*er*a* of you. ;)

That's enough, Gonz. Don't make me call in Leslie. Besides...this is about more than one woman. Did you even read the source? :nono: :ashamed:
Winky said:
Get the Women outta the military
and back in the kitchen!
Okay...I can see that this is not going to be an intelligent debate...which is what I this is an open pleas to any mod here to close this, before it gets completely stupid.
the source said:
but the court of public opinion may look at something bigger — the growing role of women in the modern military.

read - we're gonna "Create-A-News" cause not much else is happening.
Gato_Solo said:
Okay...I can see that this is not going to be an intelligent debate...which is what I this is an open pleas to any mod here to close this, before it gets completely stupid.
- not yet :winkkiss:
Leslie said:
read - we're gonna "Create-A-News" cause not much else is happening. would you please lock this thread. People are already starting to spew venom, and I don't have the juice to close this.
This isn't really regarding women in the military ,but in past conflicts the soldiers (male) would impregnate locals(european,vietnamese,korean etc...) and then people complained about the influx of "war brides" .Its the male soldiers who are more to blame for this than trying to pass the blame to the women .IMO
Wassa matta Gato?

No I'm serious we have to undo the crap that
Clinton did to the military. "don't ask don't tell" Hah!
Preferential treatment of minorities.
99% of all military jobs open to women!

Women don't belong shot dead inna ditch
on the battlefield they don't belong getting raped
in POW camps.

No some semblance of sanity must be returned
to our overly PC military institutions.
Re: Wassa matta Gato?

Why do men belong being shot dead in a ditch where women don't?

Why should women not be allowed into a military on the reasoning of women getting men killed - a happenstance that essentially is because of a fault in males' instincts and their subsequent lack of rational thinking and ability to think clearly in panic situations?
Wemen are equal on the battlefield.

Yep I'm wrong
Wimen should get no special consideration in our society
they shouldn't be seen as being any different.
They should be made to compete equally in the work world
AND on the battlefield.

Chivalry is equal to chauvinism these days.

So next time a woman mouths off like a man
I'll just kick her bitch ass and not expect to be treated
any different than if she was a he!

Woo Woo I am Wo-Man hear me roar lol
Wemen are equal on the battlefield.
Wassa matta Gato?

Leslie said:
Why do men belong being shot dead in a ditch where women don't?

Why should women not be allowed into a military on the reasoning of women getting men killed - a happenstance that essentially is because of a fault in males' instincts and their subsequent lack of rational thinking and ability to think clearly in panic situations?

Oh Sorry I didn't think you really meant any of that.

"Why do men belong being shot dead in a ditch where women don't?"

Oh you are right Women should be allowed to die on the battlefield just like men.

"Why should women not be allowed into a military on the reasoning of women getting men killed"
(sorry I didn't invest the time trying to even begin to understand what you meant by that mangled sentence)

Again you are 100% correct. We need to allow Women on the battlefield NO MATTER WHAT might be the result. Whether OR NOT their presence there will get anyone killed or degrade the performance of our units.

“a happenstance that essentially is because of a fault in males' instincts and their subsequent lack of rational thinking and ability to think clearly in panic situations”

(only women know how to respond in a panic situation lol how about…
don’t panic or burst into tears LAMO)

Oh Correct AGAIN!!!!!! We need to go against tens of thousands of years of male evolution, go against how every God dammed male on the planet is hardwired!!!
Yup disregard that as a male failing and bring on the babes!
Get them honeys out there in the line of fire!!!
Hell yeah get them biznatches out there the more the better less of us guys will have to go!
Sounds like someone has a serious male inadequacy complex or something. Personally if a chick can prove her metal in combat and squeeze off rounds on a glock while chasing bad guys just as well as any guy I say let her suit up and give her the right to be killed in the most inhumane way possible if shes game. Shes probably better at it then you or I. And if yer main complaint is that men will come running out of the bunkers in droves to pick up her handkerchief will sounds like a matter of retraining is in order. Youll notice you never hear these same arguments when it comes to women on the police force because the same statistics mysteriously arent there.
You can not be serious!
I'll tell you one statistic that is fact.
Wimen coppers are far more likely to shoot
someone that fights with them.
Wimen cops aren't as good inna fist fight as a man
Lady cops aren’t allowed out alone either.
And we don’t gotta talk about the lowering
of physical requirements fer gurls.
Yeah let them women get shot fulla holes.
What do I care ?
The day that women are required to do soldiers PT is the day I give serious thought to women in combat. I mean, real, pre-PC, male soldiers physical training during basic, not this updated softening of the whole lot.