Open debate...Keep it civil.

Well I failed to see any reference to women in Combat in that article ,Its more about women in the Military in general and as to whether they should be taking a larger role or any role.I'm not sure if they meant more women in support roles closer to the fighting or women in combat ,but it seems to be the former.
here in the netherlands the rules are simple: to become a soldier, you have to meet certain standards, concerning physical condition, mental condition, fighting abilities etc etc.

these standards are SET, and apply to anyone who wants to become a soldier, no matter whether they're black, white, yellow, purple, with weenie or without.
so, if women make it through training, they've proven that they're at the same level as any guy who has done the exact training.

it is quite common here that women are in the military, so men are used to having women around. women are treated by exactly the same standards as men, as they should. they deserve just as much respect as the men after they've completed they're training.

men thinking with their dick, putting themself AND their buddies in harms way, to save a female soldier (while they wouldn't have done the same for a male fellow...) should be send back to do a refresher course; there is no margin for those kind of errors, and they shouldn't be made (and ARE not made) by professionals.
as you probably know, they are in iraq as well. of course not as many as other forces, but then again, the netherlands are a lot smaller than most other countries as well.

don't start throwing with numbers, statistics and percentages is training, and applies to all soldiers, regardless of their number.

being a soldier is a profession, and just as with all professions, if you can't live up to the standards, you need more training or another job.
Shadowfax said:
being a soldier is a profession, and just as with all professions, if you can't live up to the standards, you need more training or another job.

My take on this exactly...but you all seem to think that this has something to do with chivalry or chauvanism. It doesn't. You also seem to think that every male is going to throw himself in the line of fire to keep those women out of the line of fire. Not every man will. The facts of rape, pregnancy, and 'harrassment' are real, though. There was talk about Jessica Lynch being raped while she was captured (hasn't been talked about much, so I'm assuming it's true). Some women will get pregnant to get out of a war-time billet (the numbers are small, but they are still there). And women have a distinct knack for either bringing out the best, or the worst, in men (sexual harrassment is a pet peeve because the system is wrought with false allegations). I also believe in giving everyone who can meet the standard an even chance but, right now, the standard is less for women than for men. Read this to see exactly what I'm talking about. It isn't fair for the men, and it's even less fair for the women.
My take on this whole entire wimmins doing mens' work thing is that if they can meet the standards that the men must, then all power to them. If not, then they shouldn't be there.

However, once they're there, they deserve to be treated exactly the same as anyone else.
Leslie said:
My take on this whole entire wimmins doing mens' work thing is that if they can meet the standards that the men must, then all power to them. If not, then they shouldn't be there.

However, once they're there, they deserve to be treated exactly the same as anyone else.

How about, in order for them to meet the standards, we lower the standards for all?
Gonz said:
How about, in order for them to meet the standards, we lower the standards for all?
I don't believe that should be. If a job really requires a standard to be performed safely, then that should be the standard, and whomever meets it should then be allowed to perform it.

*is not all that Libbish when it comes down to it.
So give the link of single Kat's a read.
In EVERY instance where Wimen have entered
into the Jobs that are hardcore Man's werk
the standards HAD to be lowered.
Jeebus I'm 6' and only 142 LBS I couldn't do
most of those jobs and wouldn't want to but
they have lowered the bar for the gurls.

GI Jane yeah a Goil as a Navy Seal lol that'll werk!:silly:
Leslie said:
*is not all that Libbish when it comes down to it.

Correct me if I am wrong :rofl4: but that, I believe & recollect, makes you a perfect liberated woman. If I can, I will...given a chance.
I understood what you meant. I meant that the FemiNazi's are not Liberators, they're special righters.
Gonz said:
I understood what you meant. I meant that the FemiNazi's are not Liberators, they're special righters.

and so it happens again....we actually agree on something ;)

as a respond to gato, it's wrong that there are different standards for different sexes with the same job at the end of the line. this definately shouldn't be the case, since women won't be respected in the same way as their male collegues. problem is, women also can't prove themselves to be equals if they keep the different standards.
of course there will be cases of harrasment, rape etc etc. but don't forget those are incidents; incidents that should be tried to be prevented by education, and if necessary, by enforcement.
on the other side; there are also cases of harrasment towards men, amongst men. people who can't meet the standards as easily, who have strange habits etc.

point is, we shouldn't focus to much on the fact whether somebody is male or female, but more on the standards that have to be set. if those are more equal, women will become more respected as well, preventing problems to occur in the first place.
Shadowfax said:
...women will become more respected as well, preventing problems to occur in the first place.

Winky & his 7 barefoot & pregnant brides notwithstanding, here is where you & I seperate. Women already receive equal treatment and all due respect. So do most classes not falling under Caucasian Male.

Given a clean slate & generally equal time & experience a woman, in 2002, made more money than her male counterpart. What skews this perspective is the FemiNazis pointing to unequal comparisons. (same education, same time on job-noted lack of man leaving for family time for 30 months).

America won the cold war. Women won the battle of the sexes. Slaves won the Civil War & the Jim Crowe wars. There are independent morons but across the board, we're all equally screwed.
what you are trying to propound is...

Men and Wimen are equal LMAO

Good try there Buddy

Oh I'm sure this is where you come back with some gibberish about how that's not what you said at all. BS!

I believe it or not and contrary to popular belief am a gentleman,
a chauvinist in the eyes of Wimen Libbers.

Us guys say shit to each other that you'd never think of saying to a Lady (that ain't no Lady that's a United States Marine lol) C'Mon don't you mind your P's and Q's around Wimenfolk and children?
Get it??? Nah I didn’t think so.

Here's an article that says better then I ever could!
Winwerd version

Text ver.

Now as for setting the standards for wimen to be involved in what was previously thought of as a solely Male activity:
the wanton and wholesale destruction of equipment/property and the widespread
murder of people, Hey Honey C'Mon in and join the fun but if you can't stand the heat

heh heh this is good

Git back in the Kitchen lol

No Dood Men and Women are different.

'Viva la difference."
Gonz said:
Winky & his 7 barefoot & pregnant brides notwithstanding,

ah crap dood I've only gots one Wife of 23 years
shes nevah had to change a tire, take out the trash
mow the lawn kill a spider er Make the majority of the income...

I’ve never raised a hand to her (tho I've wanted too ;) )
Hell I've never even cursed her (she can't say the same)
She's my beloved Wifey Poo Ya gotta treat yer wimen folk
like Wimen folk or fer ya know it they'll think their men and you'll have to smack em' like ya would a Man
but state law sez you'll end up in the hoosegow for that
and rightly so!!!
(guess blastin’ an enemy Wo-Man would be alright wouldn’t it Lord?)

Iffin' my wife wanted to be a man then I sho nuff ain't gonna be married to no Man!
Iffin’ she’s a gonna stay ‘round here she can take turns haulin'
out the trash and I want 23 years back rent!!!

But I ain't carrin' no babies in mah tummy no siree
that's ware I draw the LINE!!! :eek13: