Opera browser is now free

Luis G

Staff member
Opera Software today permanently removed the ad banner and licensing fee from its award-winning Web browser. The ad-free, full-featured Opera browser is now available for download - completely free of charge – at http://www.opera.com.

"Today we invite the entire Internet community to use Opera and experience Web browsing as it should be," said Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. "Removing the ad banner and licensing fee will encourage many new users to discover the speed, security and unmatched usability of the Opera browser."

Opera was previously available free of charge with an ad banner. Users had the option of paying a licensing fee to remove the ad banner and receive premium support.

"Opera fans around the globe made this day possible," said von Tetzchner. "As we grow our userbase, our mission and our promise remain steadfast: we will always offer the best Internet experience to our users - on any device. Today this mission gains new ground."

Get it at www.opera.com
It wasn't free before? how'd I manage that one?

I've got opera on my antequated lap-top (Contura 4/25). Still can't get winsock to work correctly on it, but i'm getting there. Soon...I'll be humming along the internet at a blazing 9600 BAUD!!!
Professur said:
It was free before, with adverts. They've pulled the ads.
Yeah...that's what I meant... maybe I had an early Beta without the ads :shrug:

Well...as long as I can get it onto a floppy, I'll be happy. :)
My coworker is all excited about this. He's been trying to get me to use it for years. I might give it a try, until one of my most frequent webpages doesn't load right and then I'll go back to IE.

The "in" browser right now is Firefox anyway. How do Opera and Firefox compare with vulnerabilities, security issues, and compatibility anyway? I haven't laid eyes on either of them much.
greenfreak said:
The "in" browser right now is Firefox anyway. How do Opera and Firefox compare with vulnerabilities, security issues, and compatibility anyway? I haven't laid eyes on either of them much.

like you said, FF is hot right now, so opera isn't getting picked apart witha fine toothed comb for vulnerabilities. i'll keep using FF TYVM.
You know, ever since I threatened to uninstall FF and go back to IE, my copy of FF has quit crashing on me. Funny, that.