Operation Glass Desert

I think more power to our troops! It should go over fairly quickly there is already massive decent starting in the ranks of the Iraqis.

I'm glad we chose sooner rather than later it would have given saddam more time to prepare! The thing that I don't get is...all these protesters, I can understand the picket signs the gatherings but to me the burning of the flag is a kick in the ass to the US in general! It may be a right of the constitution but (jumping back to the war thread) if I could without conscience or consequence; sit up somewhere with a sniper rifle picking off all the flag burners! But alas I have a conscience and there are consequences so it wont be me doing so!
unclehobart said:
What is this that you speak of? "operation glass desert" in google comes up with 0 matches.
operation glass desert is the bombing of iraq......understand?
Actually, no.

Are you saying that you want a campaign called Glass Desert wherein the Iraqis are blown back to the bronze age? ...or is it your own pet name for the current limited air campaign?

Either way, I disagree with 'kill them all'. The only ones who need killing are the politicians and senior officers who participated in torture and mass murder. The average Joe on the street is just trying to keep under cover until something better comes along. The same is true for about 80% of their military. Were trying to set up a puppet government here... going in with too much hack and slash would just make it that much harder in the end... 'cause whatever we blow up, we've to fix in the end.
I think that the term "Glass Desert" refers to the ideal of Nuking the area. Melted sand is glass. Nuked desert = glass desert.

Frankly, they could've done it in a better way. The 'Targets of Opportunity' method aka Assination via cruise missile is closer to the method that would've been the best than a ground war could ever be.

A ground war...including the invasion of Baghdad, will cause more harm to the general populace than to the leadership of Iraq. A street by street battle will cause enormous damage to the city and kill more innocents that you could possibly imagine. Some Iraquis will try to become heroes. You've seen the images of crowds bearing guns and rifles...women and children armed!!

If Iraqui teens are anything like our own teens, a lot of them will get themselves killed out of pure bravado.


This would've been a lot more simple if a team of snipers and balacrava clad troops would've been sent in to just put a bullet in Saddam's head and those of his generals.

And tomorrow morning a carbomb takes out Blair. And then a small plane takes out Chretien. Executive assasination is never a good idea. But catching Saddam in a building that you just happened to have targetted with 1000+kilos of HE. That's totally justified. :beerdrnk:
I think US is missing the point.

Iraq is not the problem. Muslims are the problem. They should all be killed. Except the good looking women of course.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yep, it's those damned Muslims, and the Christians, and the Jews, and the Hindus....*peepwall*
Re: I think US is missing the point.

Easylisa said:
Iraq is not the problem. Muslims are the problem. They should all be killed. Except the good looking women of course.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Let's pretend fpr a minute that you're a Muslim...and test out your solution. :tardbang:

Kill Kill them all...... and ......Kill all the muslims.

Two heavies from the pro-war think tank weighing in huh?

They started this war, eh!

Prof: Chretien lives in Ottawa somewhere...I can get you the address...you find a zealot and I'll teach him how to fly. 2 weeks...Voila...he retires early.

There's a difference between killing 1 guy, or many, to end a war early and killing someone for other 'political' reasons.

We're talking Hitler here...not Churchil or JFK.
24 Sussex. I can't believe you'd need to look that up. And don't you think it'd be a waste of a perfectly good zealot (not to mention plane) to nail him? He's leaving anyways. Kill him and you wind up giving him a monument. And having to pay to rebuild the official residence.

BTW, how do you propose to teach someone to fly in two weeks? I don't recall either of us having a pilot's license.
C'mon...we don't have to teach him how to land...or take off really (just pull back on the stick buddy)....just left/right/ and most importantly DOWN :)